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"Wake up sleepyhead," you heard as a bright light reflected onto your tired eyes.

"No, I'm not here," you groaned in reply while rolling over to get the sun out of your eyes.

An arm wrapped around you, brushing your hair back.

"Y/N, you have to get up~"

"Do we?" You spoke, half joking.

A warm hand reached over and grabbed your face to gently move it to face Ryodari.

"Cutie, its almost breakfast time. As much as I want to lay here with you and kiss your face, eating breakfast is more important."

Frowning, you roll back over so you're fully face to face with the pink-haired male.

"There she is, good morning beautiful."

Pouting, you rub your eyes while slowly sitting up and stretching. Ryodari sits beside you and wraps his arms around you.

"Awake yet?" he whispers with a chuckle, as you lay you head his shoulder.

"Thanks to you I ," slinking your arm around him in return, you sigh.

"I need to get dressed, don't want to get to the mess hall late again."

Ryodari nods in agreement and hops up.

"Yeah! Hurry up or all the cinnamon cakes will be gone!"

"Okay, okay," you get up as well and trudge towards the closet to change. Out of respect, Ryodari keeps his eyes to himself as your clothes are peeled off so you could put on your new ones. While you changed, he tidied up the bed.



"Who do you think that stranger was?"

"From last night?"


"Whoever it is, I'm sure he's bad news."

Sighing as you tied your shoes, your eyes blankly stared at the door.

"We should get going," you swiftly stand and head towards the door just until Ryodari grabs your wrist to stop you.



"We're gonna be okay."

It was those words, and the way that he said them, that made some of the churning in your stomach stop, and your anxiety go away. Even if it was temporary.

Simply nodding in reply, Ryodari stepped forward to open the door for you. Once more, this boy was making your heart race in ways no battle ever managed to cause.

The two of you walked into the hallway and down to the mess hall to be greeted with full tables.

"Y/N,  go find us a seat and I'll go get some food for us. All right?"

You nod and walk around, keeping an eye out for an empty space to sit. People were talking, eating, but with little to no emotion. This was crazy. This is the first time you've seen the mess hall this full. It didn't help soothe your nerves that much either. Soon enough though, you found two available seats near the front, and hesitantly sat down. This received a slight side eye from other people at the table, but soon it was as if that didn't happen. A person that you were paired with previously directed his eyes toward you and snickered.

"So, Y/N, where is your new partner? Not in the infirmary, I hope," he teased, laughter following the snide remark.

You pursed your lips and scoffed a little.

"No. He's not as weak as my previous partners. He actually puts up a fight," you just as boldly replied.

And with that the pink haired male gleefully that down at your side.

Setting a cinnamon cake in front of you, Ryodari smiles and pats your head. You sheepishly smile in return, only to look away and reluctantly begin eating.

Ryodari was about to say something, however, he was interrupted by Orca addressing the crowd of people.

"Attention! I have some news."

Instantaneously, the room became silent. Quiet enough to hear slight bombinating of  bugs in the room.

"We have a new citizen of Skylos. His name is Charlie Nagasaki. You all will welcome and accept him.

As you were in the middle of taking a bite of the cake, you looked over at Ryodari with wide eyes.

He too, had been in the middle of taking a bite.

With muffled speech and a mouthful, you both mumbled, "Its him!"

authors note
okay so please forgive me for the amazingly late  kinda short, and possibly boring chapter. I needed a filler so that its kinda meh before it gets interesting. I hope you don't mind that much. LY !!

In Love With Insanity-Ryodari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now