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Since you didn't establish any rules beforehand, you were planning to use your thymia when he least expected it. Before you knew it, Ryodari was charging at you with a blade in hand. Fortunately, you were able to dodge it with ease. You weren't prepared for him trying to cut you over and over again, though. He didn't even leave you any time to draw your own blade. 

He started to laugh and yell at the same time, saying, "You wanted a fight? Ah, this is so fun!" 

You looked at him as if he was insane, as he continued swinging. It was hard for you to keep up, but you managed. He threw a blade at you, aimed right for your forehead, but you caught it while it was just an inch away. You continued to dodge his attacks, and almost every second you tried to reach for your weapon, but failed sadly each time. Then you decided to resort to brute force, because you realized that trying to get your weapon while dodging him at the same time, would be nearly impossible. 

The second Ryodari blinked, you kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall on his back. He let out what sounded like... a faint growl...  then, tried to get up, but you quickly slammed your foot on his chest to prevent him from getting up. He then used his knee to kick the back of your leg, causing you to stumble to the side, which gave him time to get up. You, however, used this time to finally draw your weapon. Ready to attack, you attempted to cut his leg. He used a different weapon, that you've never seen on your ship before. Hell, you've never seen a weapon like this in person ever. You have heard your ship's record keeper talk about it before, though. It's called a mace, if you recall properly. You wanted to give up, but if you did, who knows what Ryodari would do...

Your fight continued on for about 40 more minutes, and you could tell you're getting tired. You got a bit distracted by your own thoughts, as you noticed Ryodari looked as if he could continue fighting for several more hours! He took advantage of your distraction, by taking out yet another concealed weapon, then held it to your throat. You shut your eyes and let out a shaky breath. By the way he was talking, you could tell he was smiling. "Do you surrender?!" 

You would shake your head, but that would result in his blade slicing your throat. "No, i can keep going... Y-you haven't won!"

He chuckled and tilted his head, as he stared at you. "You sureee about that?~" 

You felt the blade push against your neck, enough to where you could also feel a small stream of blood flow down. The blade was removed from your neck, and soon enough, everything around you was starting to get blurry. It's almost as if all the sound in the world faded away, you slowly came to the realization that you were in a headlock. 

Ryodari let go at the last second, causing you to gasp for air,  just moments after you closed your eyes. You looked up, right before he kicked you in the stomach with great force. He looked very pleased with himself. "Hey, hey, hey! You can't lose yet, ya piece of trash! I'm surprised you're still alive!"

You were just on your hands and knees, trying to catch your breath. You thought to yourself, "i don't think i can do this... but i can't give in so easily.."

You slammed your fist into the ground, and tried to get up, but failed miserably and fell straight back to the ground. It felt like you had been laying there for hours, but in reality it had only been a few seconds. 

You felt someone lift you up. You were a bit confused until you peeked your eyes open and saw Ryodari next to you. You looked around and realized you were moving. Once you noticed he was carrying you somewhere, you started to blush. You were about to tell him to put you down, but you started falling asleep before you had the chance. 


You woke up in your room, a bit weak, and your body a tad sore. You looked around and saw Ryodari sitting in a chair, arms crossed, eyes closed, and head down. You assumed he was asleep, because he was so calm, so relaxed and peaceful compared to his normal insane self. You tried to remember what happened previously, but nothing came to mind. 

You attempted to get up, but you must've woken up Ryodari, because he immediately spoke. "Don't even think about it, lay back down." A light blush tickled your cheeks, as you became a bit flustered. Out of nowhere, you remembered.... the fight, falling unconscious, but you still couldn't remember how you got here. Your body was too weak to walk here. 

You looked to face Ryodari, and you found him staring at you. Your cheeks flushed a bright red, and you looked away quickly. Ryodari noticed this, and got up from his chair, walking over to your bedside. He then grabbed your chin and made you face him. This caused you to blush even more,  making Ryodari let out a small laugh. He made direct eye contact with you, and said, "Ya know Y/n... i won the fight. So that means i can do whatever i want, plus you owe me a favor."

He smirked as he let go of your chin, then sat back down in his seat, just to stare at you to see if you would say anything in return. 

In Love With Insanity-Ryodari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now