"i know you're awake."

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He spoke in a serious tone, but you could tell by the slight tone change, he sounded a bit hurt because you didnt wait for him. Even
after running the entire way, he didn't seem tired at all. He then got off your back, and started walking beside you, towards the battle
field. It was completely silent, and you were okay with that. You still didn't know how to respond to what happened only 15 minutes ago.
You hoped that it would stay quiet, but that didn't last long because Ryodari started to talk.

He stated, "You look flustered, it's really cute." You blushed, but didn't respond. He was really amused with how you reacted to all of
this. "I just love the effect i have on you, it's like you don't know how to act around me." He said this while using his arm to pull you closer while walking. You weren't uncomfortable,  something about this just felt right. For some reason though, your breath was uneven. He
noticed this and giggled quietly. "It's adorable how you can't handle me. I want to see more of this." He said in a rather seductive voice, that sent chills down your spine.

You arrived at the battle field, but this time Ryodari didn't run off on his own. He stayed by your side the whole time. You wondered why...
why didn't he run off? This thought was interrupted by several daggers being thrown at you. You swiftly dodged all but one, that was heading right for your face.  You didn't have time to move out of the way, so you grabbed it by the handle when it was inches away from you. The girl that threw them, looked shocked by your reflexes. You smiled confidently while saying, "You think you're the only one good with knives?" The girl scoffed while pulling out a machete. "Oh this is just fucking great," You say sarcastically.

She ran at you with the weapon, the both of you wanted to see how long you could last without a weapon of your own. She was running straight at you, so you ran toward her as well, but just before she could cut
you, you switched directions and ended up on her left side. You took the opportunity to grab her wrist and twist it until you heard it
crack. Once you noticed you broke her wrist, you then threw her overboard and continued on to find another opponent.

You heard a very giggly voice behind you, "Y/n! I'm surprised, that was brutal! I can't believe you killed her like that!" After speaking,
he fell to the ground laughing. "I would love to watch more of that!"
"You're insane, ya know that?" You said while smiling. "Woah, who are you and what have you done with y/n? The real y/n would never talk to me this much!"

"Oh shut up, you could've helped." You said, helping him to his feet.
"Really? To me it seemed like you had it all under control."

Today... you fought together... You and Ryodari left the battle with only a few scratches. Both of you were hoping to have some time to
rest, but your ship (Which was called the Allegheny) was already planning a counterstrike. The plan was to send out 2 smaller ships filled with troops. Your
commander devised a plan to send 300 soldiers on ship 'A' and 200
soldiers on ship 'B'. Ship A would handle and distract the main soldiers in the front, leaving time for ship B to reach the opposite
end, and attack from the backside of the ship. Ship B would then head for the capital and attack there as well.Once ship A finished off everyone in the front, they were to report to the capital too. Since this ship was part of a monarchy, they had a king. The capital is
where the king of the enemy was. The ultimate plan was to kill the king. This would be a grave loss for them, and would likely result in a surrender.

It was finally time for the counterstrike. You and Ryodari would be placed on ship B, and head straight for the capital upon arrival on
the enemy ship. You were all boarding your ship at 11:30. Everyone there was tired, including you. As soon as everyone was boarded, the commander ordered some soldiers to hand out mats and blankets, so  people could sleep. The commander announced that they didn't have enough mats or blankets for everyone, so some were to sleep on the floor, or share with someone else.
You then turned and saw Ryodari with a sly smile, waving a mat and blanket at you. You walked over and said, "Fine... but this is only
because i don't want to sleep on the floor, and nothing more."
He replied with, "You know you want me." ,in a teasing tone. After hearing his comment, you blushed and flicked him on the forehead.

After situating yourself onto the mat by Ryodari, things were a bit uncomfortable at first, but you soon didn't mind. You were on the verge of falling asleep, but that came to a stop when you felt an arm snaking across your waist, then pulling you closer to the warm body attached to it. You felt your back against Ryodari's torso. You wanted to see what else he would do, so you pretended to be asleep.  Soon
enough, his head moved over to your ear as he whispered, "I know you're awake."
and almost immediately, your heart rate escalated.

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