"It's a trap!"

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You had to remind Ryodari to grab his mask before you left, which
resulted in him looking at you with an annoyed expression. Eventually,
he gave in and grabbed it. Your superior told everyone to go in with
their partner, spread out into groups of 2 or 4, then meet up at the

Since Ryodari wanted to be where the action was, you both were first
in line to enter the enemy ship. As soon as you entered, you and
Ryodari bolted for the back alleys, hoping to get to the capital
without wasting any time. You were running for what seemed to be
hours. Both of you were about to turn a corner, but you ran head first
into another group. You were surprised because the person you ran into
was Mika. You hadn't seen her since she fought Ryodari and got really
hurt. You hugged her once you realized who it was. She was about to
say something, but started to stutter when she realized who you were
partnered with. She stared in shock, until Ryodari walked closer,
causing her to step back with each step he took.
Ryodari noticed this, however, and burst out in a fit of laughter,
while half-yelling, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Mika are..... are you scared of

You could see his eyes light up with excitement. Mika tried to
change the subject, but was quickly interrupted when Ryodari started
running at her. She immediately got into a fighting stance, ready for

"You ARE scared of me!...This is amazingly funny! I would
love to see more of that, but y/n and i have a job to do!~"

Mika looked over at you, with a serious expression and mouthed, "Please be
careful..." You simply nodded, then started off to the capital once
more, Ryodari by your side.

It was completely silent until Ryodari stated, "It's actually funny
how scared of me she is."

You responded with, "No it's not, you almost killed her in that fight, no wonder she's scared of you."

He giggled and shook his head a little. "Well she shouldn't have fought a fight
she knew she couldn't win!"
You forced a small chuckle, before adding, "Well uh, not to offend you
or anything, but you look pretty weak at first glance."

"That's not very nice." He says sarcastically. After this small conversation, you
were about to regroup with the other squads and enter the capital.


The army of 300 started flowing into the capital to finally kill the
king. As soon as you entered, you were stopped by two groups of
soldiers that looked as if they had roughly 250 troops altogether.
"Yay! I thought this was gonna be boring!" Ryodari called out. You
looked over at him as if he was the craziest person ever. 'He probably
You thought. You were about to say something, but the troops were
already starting to attack, and knowing your luck you'd most likely be
their first target. Which you were..
Some weird guy wearing a shirt with torn sleeves, tattoos down his
arms, and smiley faces painted on his face, decided to target you and
your partner. You looked at Ryodari and said, "What the fuck is with
this guy?"
Immediately after you said that, an arrow on fire flew by
Ryodari's head, causing him to say, "Whoa, that's hot."

You responded, "Yes Ryodari, fire is hot."

You sounded like you were talking to a child.

The enemy started laughing insanely as he lit another arrow tip on
fire, getting ready to shoot again. Both you and Ryodari started
running towards him, making sure to dodge the arrow. You landed the
first hit, which was on his stomach. He clutched his belly from the
sudden pain. He then pulled out a knife, in hopes of cutting you to
death, but he was only able to scratch you because Ryodari grabbed his
wrist before he could actually hurt you.

Ryodari then proceeded to punch the enemy in the gut several times. He
began to cough up blood, then dropped his knife. You quickly grabbed
the knife and stabbed him in the back violently. He fell lifelessly to
the ground, and Ryodari started laughing.

"You literally stabbed him in the back, HA! Get it?!"
"That's dumb" You replied.

"Whatever, you know you like it" He said while smirking.

Soon enough, you had found a new opponent. Ryodari took his knife and
tried to stab the fighter, but the man dodged and kicked Ryodari,
causing him to fall back. You didn't want to wait and witness your
partner get hurt, so you lunged at the man, kicking him in the
stomach. You got on top of him, your blade pointing at his throat,
trying to pierce his skin. Before you were able to, he rolled around
so now he was on top of you, pointing your blade at you. You weren't
as strong as him, so he was almost cutting your throat, until Ryodari
pulled him off of you, then punched him. The man went for his extra
blade, but before he could reach it, Ryodari rammed himself into the
guy's side, causing him to stumble. Ryodari yelled, "Don't even
bother! The second you go for that blade, the fight belongs to me!"

He started kneeing the guy in the stomach, as he continued yelling, "I'll
knock you on your ass and take my time with the final blow!"

Ryodari then took his dagger and jabbed it into the guy's stomach maliciously.

You looked at your partner, your jaw hanging open as you took a second
to gather your words.

"Jeez, i uh... i think you went a little overboard with that one."

He smiled proudly. "No i didn't, i was only protecting you. He tried to kill you so i thought it would only be fair if i killed him"
Since you were still on the ground, Ryodari helped you up, and
continued fighting together.


Your army had killed off all the enemy troops, and were proceeding to
where the king was. When the door opened, everyone got in their
fighting stances. Suddenly the lights went out, and for a moment the
area got dead silent. Eventually, there were some quiet noises, then
the lights came back on. Your army was now surrounded by what seemed
to be 500 enemy troops. There was only about 240 troops left in your
army, so you were very out numbered. Once you understood what was
going on, you said, "Oh no..... Don't say it-" Someone else took the
honors of saying, "IT'S A TRAP!"

In Love With Insanity-Ryodari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now