-Kisses from abroad-

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It's 3 am. You are ready to sleep when you suddenly recieve a message from your boyfriend.

Hey, baby.... I miss you. I want to hug you and kiss you again. I can't wait to be back from my business trip. Tomorrow I am flying finally. Muah! Good night because there is late. Sleep well. I hope you are not awake, bad girl. Quickly go to bed! Aish I am not there and you are doing whatever you want.

You send him back:

I love you too, my Baekhyunie. Take care. I will be waiting for you. Be patient and in a few hours we will be together. Muah!

He never fails to make you feel special. After his message, you feel really good and you are ready to go to bed.

Your smile remains on your face until you fall asleep, knowing he will be back when you wake up

-The next mornig in the airport-

"Baby girl!!"

"Kyungiee!!!" you say as he opens his hands for you to run in his hug. You jump and hold him as he gives you a warm kiss

Baekhyun and his love story  (Bbh)(by Edward Ca_A)Where stories live. Discover now