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“Aris Dela Vega, for petes sake why did you take those pills? You almost died, please don’t think about doing it again.”

She didn’t bother to look to the one who’s saying, because as she hear that voice she already figure out who it was, its Sabrina Fuente, her best friend, the person who always saves her when she’s trying to die. 

A minute of silence filled the room until Sabrina talk again “As much as I wanted to stay I need to go, please come back to your old self Aris, I miss my best friend, by the way the organization misses you.”

  It’s been an hour since Sabrina left and now Aris was already discharge in the hospital. She thinks of going home directly but a sudden realization hit her, she misses the organization, the organization where she really belongs. 

Maybe it’s time for her to go back there, so she headed to the place where their organization is.

As Aris arrived to the place she directly went to the office where their Boss is, she knocked the door three times until she heard a baritone voice inside saying “come in.”

When she opened the door, she smiled as a familiar scent of air welcomed her, until her eyes where fixed to the man whose busy doing paper works in his table “Boss” she uttered, as the man hear her voice he directly look to her direction “Aris I’m glad your back, it’s been a year” happiness was written all over his face, but suddenly his face expression changed, sadness was now visible in his eyes and continued speaking “but then again, I’m sorry for your loss.” 

 Aris remained silent after hearing those words, they feel sorry for what happened and well they should, because of their irresponsible actions she’s now in pain. “Well we cannot turn back the time I guess, I’m trying to move on but I can’t. Now I wanted to keep myself busy, I’m asking for a mission Boss” the man looked at her like saying as if she mean it, and then replied “If that’s it, then okay, welcome back and good luck Agent Vienne.”

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