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It’s now the time for her to end her mission, as she arrived to the warehouse she went inside quickly yet carefully. She make sure her gun with silencer is ready for action, because as the time come that she will encounter someone, she will then pull the trigger without any second thought, they’re criminals anyway. 

Their organization was already been informed of what she is doing, and later on from now some of the agents will arrived for her back up.

It’s been 30 minutes since Aris went inside the warehouse, and she already killed a lot of person without being noticed, well that’s the proof of her being a great Agent, a great Agent Vienne. 

Then now is the time for the last shots, 1 room is now left, and she knows that the leader of the syndicate was their together with several people, well save the best for the last. 

She knows that the leader of the syndicate was now at the center inside the room, it’s her instinct and she needs to follow it. 

She already positioned herself and then kick the door with all force, she then positioned her gun to the direction where the leader is, but as soon as she looked to the face of the person where her gun was pointed into, shockness was written all over her face “Marcus” she uttered together with the tears falling from her eyes, she couldn’t believe of what she is seeing.

 She thought his dead, she thought his gone, but what is she witnessing right now? She was full of questions, but then she wanted to hug him tightly and tell him how she miss him.

 But a sudden realization hit her, he’s not already the Marcus she loved, because right from the moment his now her enemy. Even in the state of shock, she turned around and quickly pull the trigger to kill the people surrounding her, some of them shoot her also and blood was all over her body. 

“Vienne, I’m sorry for everything” was all that she heard, until she noticed that her back up already arrived.

 She then looked at them saying “take care of him, make him pay, I’m done here” she was crying while saying that, it pains her, she didn’t know what to do but it’s a matter of duty, she pledged, and she will do the right thing even her heart will once again shattered in pieces. 

She was ready to make a step for her to go out, when she suddenly fell on the floor. She smiled as she remember that she was full of shots, but before she closed her eyes she then noticed that there Boss was there, she looked at him and smiled with tears in her eyes and said “this is Agent Vienne Boss, mission accomplished.”

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