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The first place where Aris went was in the most known bar in the City, she wanted to observe there first. She scanned the whole place using her eyes, people wildly dancing, drinking, laughing with each other was all she can see, and she continued looking at the whole place until someone caught her attention, a man having some suspicious action. 

She took a picture of that man and send it to Sabrina, Sabrina is also an Agent but unlike her she cannot take any mission, she was always needed in their main hideout, she was a great hacker and also their source of information. Minute later after sending the picture Sabrina already replied. So the man she saw was Arthur Guzman, and a possible person who can answer some of her questions. 

Aris attention was now focus to Mr. Guzman, as possible she just wanted to act like a normal person enjoying the night. She called the waiter for a drink and then sit nearby the counter. As she noticed that Mr. Guzman was now going at the dark part of the bar she quickly finished her drink and then followed him. She made sure her footsteps wouldn’t make any sound.

 Later on he heard his voice talking to someone “yes Boss, some transactions were already done so I’ll be going there later, just message me the new address of our hideout Boss.” After hearing that, she made her way back to where she is a while ago.

 She smiled as she looks to Mr. Guzman who’s now busy talking to some people, in her mind she’s already calling him stupid, he’s too careless of his actions, an hour from now she know that she will already find out where their hideout is. 

When she realized that Mr. Guzman was now heading outside, she followed him directly. She noticed that he’s already in his car and was about to go, so she quickly went to her car and drove it. She’s really keeping her distance, because one wrong action and her life will be at sake. 

Yes she wanted to die, but then she should accomplished her mission first. Minutes later Mr. Guzman’s car stopped in an old warehouse. Well it seems old, but then the elegance was still there. She make sure to remember the place and then she headed back home.

Months from spying the hideout of the syndicate, she already figured out that the people there was just the higher ranks from the group, and this afternoon will already be the time to go there, reveal herself and make them pay for those  illegal actions they’ve done in Miraclus City.

 But before that time will come she went to the cemetery in their home town to visit her love one Marcus. Her tears fall as she read his engraved name Marcus Sebastian, “Marcus I miss you, you were always be in my heart. Why did you left me Sweetheart? It’s not just my heart which is being broke in pieces  right now, my whole world too and I don’t know how to make it whole as it is years ago. Guide me later Sweetie, I love you.” After saying those words, she then make her way back to Miraclus City for her mission.

Mission Accomplished Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora