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After the long struggle of getting his Tardis to the correct place and time without crashing, the Doctor finally came to a stop. He again had to leap up just so he could get out. He stumbled out and looked around. "Yep. This should be the right place."

Clara looked up as she heard the familiar sound of the Tardis landing. She rushed over to the window, stopping only to get her coat. Clara smiled when she the Tardis in the front yard, but not even noticing the small bowtied cat on the ground. She rushed out the door and knocked on the door of the Tardis. "Doctor? What are you doing here? Doctor?" She yelled. Clara looked down, feeling something touch her leg. "Oh! Hello little kitty!" she said as she picked up the small cat. "What's your name?" she said looking at his neck, expecting either a collar or a bare, furry kitty neck, but instead finding a small bowtie. She smiled.

The Doctor frowned. Jeez Clara! Open the Tardis door! He growled a bit as Clara turned back towards the house. But then she stopped, probably remembering the phone box in her front yard. She reached down and jiggled the knob. Locked? "Doctor! Open up! This isn't funny! Come on Doctor! DOCTOOOOOR!" She yelled at the door. The Doctor grumbled again mumbling to himself. Clara looked down in shock. Did the cat just speak?!

__________________________Hah ha! Cliff hanger! Well I just wanted to thank you guys (the few there are) for reading this horrible story! I'm terrible at writing. But when I see you guys reading my stuff, it just encourages me to write more! So keep up the reinforcement on me! And thank you all again!

Turned CatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora