A/n Not a chapter, again

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Now I'm really sorry. Throughout this summer I haven't been real active with my stories, this one and the others. I'm real sorry about that. I'll try to get another chapter out soon.

I have been busy lately, what with going to the pool and all. Very distracting when I'm trying to write several books. I promise to update them more often now, this time, with actual chapters.

Now, lastly, I HATE self promotion, but I just came out with ( another ) new story! I hate to promote myself , but I have some high hopes with this one. The first chapter just came out. The book is called Noctiphobia. It's a book full of short horror stories, each one based off a different phobia. If you want, go check it out! I'm pretty proud of the first chapter!

Again, I'm really sorry for all this and not updating. I'll update soon! Until then, this is MerpDerpcat signing off!

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