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The Doctor walked through the hallways, every so once and a while, hiding from Daleks. He looked in every room, trying to find his Tardis. No such luck. He sighed as he poked his head out of the 27th room he had checked. "Where the heck is my Tardis?" he asked himself. He walked down the hall.

He hadn't seen a Dalek in a while. Where were they? Plotting his demise? He peeked in another room, gasping when he saw a Dalek in the room. He tried to close the door, but the Dalek was already chasing him. He ran through the hall, as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. More Daleks kept joining the chase after him. He looked over his shoulder seeing about ten Daleks. Ugh! Now was not the time to do math! He rounded a corner, finding himself in a large storage room. His Tardis could be in here! He leaped on top of some of boxes, still running. I mean, they were still chasing him after all! He looked all around. No Tardis so far. He saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head, looking at something hiding behind a plastic curtain. He jumped down and peered through it. The Tardis! He ran over to it, stopping when he realized something. He smacked his head. Why hadn't he realized this before! How was he going to get in?! And if he did manage to get in, how would he control it?

Getting in was a simple matter. All he had to do was leap of a box and twist the knob. He pushed the door in. The Doctor walked into the Tardis, confused on how he was going to escape. He leaped onto the console and walked towards a keyboard. "Ok Doctor! Just type in the location, time, and date. Now to get it over there."

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