Escape the room

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The Doctor opened his eyes to find himself lying on the ground staring at the ceiling. Huh, the ceiling seemed to be very far away... Never mind that, He thought to himself, I need to stop those Daleks! The Doctor rose up and immediately fell over. "Oof! Why can't I walk?" he wondered. The Doctor looked down and saw that he indeed had grown smaller, and furrier! "Ach! I have paws?!" He stared in disbelief at the fuzzy paws that were now his. What am I, he wondered? He looked around the room, his eyes stopping on a small mirror. He walked/stumbled towards it. "I'm a cat?! Noooooooo! It can't be! Not a cat! Anything but that! I need to get out of here!"

Once he had scanned the room, he started to plot his way of escape. He still was in shock from being turned into a feline. "Why a cat? Did the Daleks know that I hated them?" he pondered. He walked up to a small desk and peeked out the window in his cell. He had discovered that he was in a special holding cell/prison. He saw a Dalek go down the hall. The Doctor growled in his throat, a thing he was still getting used to. He looked down, hearing a weird noise with his sensitive ears. A small flap on the door had opened up and a bowl of something had been slipped under. He leaped down and walked up to the bowl, sniffing it. Well, it wasn't poisoned! He looked down at the "stuff", trying to figure out what it was. Cat food. That was it. It was cat food. He looked at it in disgust. He would rather have fish sticks and custard. At least the fish sticks would be normal for a cat. He pushed the food away then turned his attention to the flap on the door. Why would they place this on the door? I could escape. Unless, it only opens from the outside, or they want him to get out. He pawed at it to make sure. Sure enough the flap opened up. Was it a trap? Or were the Daleks just dumb? He padded out, not even caring which one it was. He had a chance. He was going to use it.

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