Rogue Dalek

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"The machine is malfunctioning but still works." said one Dalek
"Good, now we just have to wait for the Doctor to come." said another. The Doctor gasped and ran as the Daleks came in his direction. He rounded a couple corners and then stopped, finding himself in a room full of Dalek tech. The Doctor panted, out of breath. You would think he was used to running! He walked around the room, examining each piece of tech. He stopped when he came to a small Dalek laser that was designed a little bit differently then their normal lasers. He picked it up carefully and looked at it. Wonder what it could be?

The Doctor looked up, hearing a dalek at the door. "Oopsie! Must of wandered in here by mistake!" the Doctor dropped the laser back down on the table.
"The Doctor is found! Exterminate!" Another Dalek came up behind him.
"Get the laser ready!" One Dalek picked up the laser and pointed it at the Doctor.
"Hey fellas! We are all friends here right?" the Doctor said nervously. "No? I guess not. Well sorry to cut it early, but I have to run. Very far away from here. Bye!" the Doctor sped off.
"Follow him! Don't let him get away! He'll foil all our plans!"

The Doctor rounded a corner, speeding as fast as he could. He may have been out of shape, but that doesn't mean he couldn't run! He laughed to himself, knowing he had outrun them. As he went round another corner again, what did he bump into? A DALEK. The Doctor fell to the ground, looking up at the menacing creature looming above him. "You can not run Doctor. You are down. We have the weapon. You can not stop us." it said as two more Daleks came in, one holding the laser! The Doctor scrambled backwards, but to no avail, he ran into another Dalek. "Please guys! Let's be reasonable! Please don't kill me!" he cried out.
"Kill you? No! Not this time Doctor. This time we have a device that will keep you out of the way!"
"What is it? Will it transmit me to another dimension? Or will it blast me into molecules? Or will it turn me tiny?"
"You could say the last one in a way." If the Daleks had faces, he could swear it would be smirking. Then the Doctor saw a bright flash of light, then darkness. He blacked out

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