Chapter One The Sands Of The Hour Glass

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Penelope was writing your typical romance novel, you know the sort, the handsome guy, the beautiful girl, a beach, wind blowing through their hair.

The only problem was that Penelope didn't like writing romance novels. Penelope liked writing horror.

Nobody was ever into a woman writing horror with the likes of John Grisham around.

The last time she had tried to write anything horrific it only ended up in the trash bin of her laptop. Never the less even making it onto a query letter like she had hoped.

She didn't want anyone to know this about herself, but secretly she enjoyed writing manuscripts to romance comedies that would rock the world (if they ever made it that far) then ripping them up and throwing them away. Once, and only once, had she ever cried watching the Garbage Man take one away.

"Penelope, the car is here." Said her current boyfriend, Alex, although let's all be real here for a second she was more in love with her Alexa than anyone.

Forget about Google.

Alexa and Android smartphone's all the way, baby.

Tonight they were headed to an event that also would have rocked the world. The movies. It was the newest one with Cameron Diaz and Hillary Duff in it. It was one of the best movies that Penelope had seen in a very long time, the popcorn was perfectly buttered and salted just the way that she liked it, the Pepsi that she was drinking stayed cold pretty much throughout the entire movie. That is until the end when only a few small ice cubes remained and about 1/3 of the cola was left.

She had said no to the attendant when he had asked her if she would have liked M&M's or any other refreshments to go with her popcorn and soda, not that she was watching her waistline or anything like that she was perfectly happy with the way that she looked thank you very much.

And on the way home Penelope feigned surprise as yet again, another boyfriend of hers proposed to her after the movies.

After the fifth or sixth time that this had happened she had decided that perhaps it was just better to say no, and I'm not ready, even some web searches on how to decline a web proposal didn't help.

They all seemed to think that a proposal at the movies was the most romantic idea in the world to all of them, that a quiet dinner at home or a dinner with friend, a walk on the beach, a car ride through the wood, something and anything of that nature was exactly the way into a woman's heart.

I've written the perfect proposal, if anyone even comes close, they either have a writers brain, or I helped them.

Alex was silent for the drive home. I of course headed right to my study to work, I could hear Alex take his frustration is my rejection out in the downstairs gym.

I hoped that this one wouldn't leave before breakfast.

He was a good cook.

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