Chapter Two She Should Have Said Yes

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It was a few weeks later, Alex stayed much longer than the others. Later on she would think about him with only herself to blame. For now she still enjoyed his breakfast's, the walks and talks that they had while walking on the beach. The way that he watched her as she wrote (although to be perfectly frank she hated that more than anyone could ever imagine) all she wanted while she was writing her soapy novels and her romance scripts that would never see the light of day was to be left alone.

She had often wondered how others could write in Cafe's or on the beach, even while waiting in line at Starbucks and writing on her phone made her anxious that someone was reading over her shoulder as she typed.

It was more annoying than a visit from her mother let's just say that.

She had once asked one of her friends who was a writer, if it also "bugged the fuck out of her," the only response she got was a laugh and an answer that bugged her even more, "You're Penelope."

There was a reason why she didn't go out as much as she did, the paparazzi and the newspapers had all left her alone a very long time ago once she had told them the truth about how much time and effort it took her to write.

Once all the questions and all the fans had stopped buzzing it was almost safe, almost. They still clamoured for her attention, they still wanted her autographs but she wouldn't stop writing. Nothing could make her ever stop. It was the greatest feeling in the world to know that a single word she wrote made it into print.

Into hands, into your hands.

Another letter arrived in the mail that day.

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