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This chapter (More like most of this book) is dedicated to @Sweet_Wing_Queen101 for giving me inspiration for a future part and because I like him/her/them. And I recommend a story by him/her/them (If you are reading this, then please accept my apologies, I don't know your preferred pronoun.) called "Harry Potter's Pen Pal", it's amazing!  And also, check out @Luna_Potter15 's books "The Raven Four" and "Athena Potter and Death's Gift", I really like them!

Please make sure to leave what you liked and didn't like in a comment, I would really appreciate it (Constructive criticism only)! Make sure to leave a vote and share this story with fellow HP fans! And if you have any ideas you would like to see in this story, make sure to comment them as well!
Anyway, onwards with the chapter!


"No! Not the kids, please! Please! Show mercy! Please, I'll do anything!" A woman with fiery red hair begged hysterically to the cloaked figure in front of her.
"Stand aside, silly girl!" The voice rang out like a cold gust of wind biting into skin. It's sheerness and tone terrified the three kids, who were sitting up in the crib behind the woman. They began to weep silently, as the man spoke to their mother.

"Then you leave me no choice. Stupefy!" The woman fell to the ground, unconscious, just as the man fired three killing curses at her children.
The black haired, green eyed boy and the girl with the same features moved in front of the boy with red hair and blue eyes, shielding him from the curses. And then, instead of killing them, the curses fired back at their originator, who got hit and the last thing he knew was pain. A pain like no other. An old man quickly appeared as the man dissolved into nothing.

"Ennervate!" He said, as the woman slowly got up in her dazed and slightly dizzy state.
"Albus? Tom was here... The kids! THE KIDS!" She snapped out of her daze and looked around, only to see the black haired kids with scars. The boy had one on his forehead and the girl had one on her neck, both being being lightning shaped. Then, something came over her as she said:

"Put Harry and Alexandria in an orphanage or somewhere. They'll ruin Nathan's perfect life. They will corrupt him with their impure scars!"
The man stared at her in shock as he picked them up. The tapped on a ring he wore on his finger with his wand twice and walked out of the room swiftly, covering his emotions with a mask of grandfatherly love. He quickly revived the unconscious man on the floor and walked out the front door with the two children. He handed them to yet another man, who was about 10 feet tall with very bushy and tangled hair. He took the two kids without a word and wrapped them in two blankets. He then took off on a flying motorcycle.

Albus Dumbledore, the man who sent the kids off looked up at the disappearing dot in the sky. He sighed, knowing that this was the last time he would see those kids in a very long time.


Petunia and Vernon Dursley of Number Four, Privet Drive awoke with a luxurious stretch on a dull, gray Tuesday morning and walked downstairs from their master bedroom to their medium sized dining room, as Vernon walked to the front door and opened it, to find the biggest surprise of the week. His one year old niece and nephew lay on the cold doorstep, wrapped in nothing more than flimsy, thin blankets. He picked them up and brought them inside. Vernon Dursley really liked only two of his three nieces and nephews, because the third one was a real brat.

"Petunia, dear, come here quick!" He called out to his wife, who came running. As soon as Petunia saw to two kids, she took them in her arms and marched upstairs, where her son, Dudley Dursley was sleeping. She put them next to Dudley in the crib and tucked them in. Walking back downstairs, she sat down on the couch with her husband.

"I can't believe Lily would do such a thing, Vernon."

"I have no idea why, Tuney."

Vernon opened the letter that had come with the two.

'Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dursley,
I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am regretfully informing you that your relative, Mrs. Lily Potter...'

A/N: Hiiiiiiii! I know that this is really short, but I promise this will be longer. Next chapter will be a sort of explanation of year 2 and the chapter after that will be starting of Harry's stay at the Burrow.

Until the very End - HP X READERWhere stories live. Discover now