𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝟚: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟

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Harry and Dudley were sitting at the dinner table, along with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia.

"So, as you all know, tomorrow is a very special day. It's Harry's birthday, and we have two business clients coming over." said Uncle  Vernon, his eyes moving over to Harry, who was now smiling, " We have to somehow make it work. We could either have the guests over for lunch and have the party in the evening, or we could do it the other way around. What do you kids say?"

"I'd say the second option sounds good, right Big D?" Harry grinned, looking over to Dudley who was looking at him with peaked interest.

"Definitely, oh, and is Y/N coming?"

"You bet she is"

Y/N Stalling was Harry Potter's best friend since the start of the last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with Hermione Granger and Alexandria Potter, speaking of whom, had just walked down the stairs to the dining table.

"Hello! What's the matter?" she ginned, her jet black hair in a loose bun and her Avada Kedavra green eyes glowing happily.

"Oh, we were just discussing the birthday plans for tomorrow!" Aunt Petunia interjected, before the boys could say anything. Uncle Vernon shot her a playfully annoyed look. Dudley and Harry looked at each other, before nearly combusting with laughter. Alexandria ( or Lexie, as she preferred to be called ) sat down and Uncle Vernon began to talk again.

" So, as you all know, tomorrow is Harry and Alex's birthday and Hermione is coming over. You two want to invite anyone?"

"Yeah, maybe Y/N'll come over, but we don't know. I'll send her an owl." Alex answered.

"You do that, and Tuney and I will be going shopping today, so you three" Uncle Vernon fixed his gaze on Harry, Lexie and Dudley, " will be staying here."

"Please, don't wreck the house. You can cook or play video games or do anything you want, but no having anyone except Y/N or the neighbours over." Aunt Petunia continued. Harry felt his heart flutter at the thought of Y/N, as it had been doing for the past hour that they had been talking. He missed her e/c eyes, her h/c hair and her thoughtfulness and every other detail he remembered about her.  Her rosy pink lips and everything else.

"Earth to Harry! Harry!" Lexie snapped him out of his stupor.
Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were in the driveway, getting the car out and leaving. Harry and Lexie waved goodbye to them, as Dudley was on the telephone, dialling a number.

"4 - 7 - 9 - 1 - 2 - 0 - 7 - 3 - 8" putting the receiver to his ear, he waited for the recipient to pick up the call.

It was a horrible noise, as if a canary had lost it's voice. A yelling came from the receiver as if the two people were talking to each other from opposite ends of a football pitch.

"HELLO? WHO - ARE - YOU? WHAT - DO - YOU - WANT - WITH - Y/N?" Dudley held the receiver a foot away from his ear, rubbing it furiously. Lexie then took the phone out of his hands and talked calmly
"Hello, could you give the phone to Y/N? - Oh, she's on her way here? - Oh, perfect, then! - And sir, you needn't shout. -  You too!" Lexie put the receiver down.

"Duds, Y/N is coming - "
Just then, the doorbell rang, and Harry dashed there, his heart clinging onto the hope that it was Y/N.
And his heart got it's wish.

Y/N stood there, in all of her godly beauty, grinning like an absolute idiot at the sight of Harry.

"Hazzabear! I missed you!" she exclaimed, tackling Harry into a hug. Harry, in shock of what just happened, stared at her, before coming to his senses and hugging her back.

"Y/N! Oh gosh we have so much to discuss!" Lexie was now hanging tight to Y/N and pulling her upstairs to her room. ( Harry and Dudley shared one )

Harry and Dudley chased after them without even as much as a look towards the front door, which was still open.

A little creature stood in the hall, before snapping it's fingers and disappearing. It's long, droopy nose, giant eyes ( they were the size of tennis balls ) and goofy smile stood out the most about it's appearance. Meanwhile, Harry and the others were in Lexie's room  sharing their summer stories.

" - oh and there was this old hag there, she ordered a plate of raw meat from Tom!" Y/N finished, as Lexie began firing questions at her.

"Oh really? And didn't Tom see that she was a hag? What were you doing in Diagon Alley anyway?"

"Oh, you know my mum works at the apothecary there, right?" Lexie and Harry nodded intently, as Dudley looked at her with peaked interest, "Yeah, so Dad had to go off to a mission somewhere in Germany, some english bloke creating trouble and I was allowed to spend the day with Tom, who was looking after me, you know, cause Mum's great friends with him. And I got to help out with stuff and then this hag was wearing a super thick, woolly balaclava..." Harry zoned out the rest of her story, just staring at her beautiful E/C eyes, and her smile, which had him whipped. Hell, She had him whipped. Maybe this was just some schoolboy crush, maybe it wasn't even real. Just the thought of everything the both of them had just vanishing, going poof was enough for Harry to jump off a cliff.  Was it love, or was it just a crush that would pass in time?


Hi guys! I know this is probably bad, but I am trying my very best to improve and I know the next chapters will be better. Next chapter will start with Harry and Lexie at the birthday party. 







Next chapter on Wednesday!

Until the very End - HP X READERWhere stories live. Discover now