𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝟚: 𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑢𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑠

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Y/NM = your nickname

It had been three weeks since Harry and Lexie arrived at Y/N's house. Y/N's father, as they discovered, had left England to live in Australia, with his sister. Today was Wednesday, the day before they were to go to Diagon Alley. These three - nearly four - weeks had been the best of the siblings' life. Hermione had come to visit quite a few times, dragging Alex along because she was 'bored'. Harry though it had something to do with Lexie, though he didn't press the thought. Y/N and Harry were watching a movie, which happened to be a horror one. Harry was clutching onto Y/N, terrified. She, though, was laughing at his expense.

"Who knew the Boy who lived would be scared of a horror movie?" Even though she comforted him, it infuriated Harry.

"Can we just turn it off, I'm sure I just heard Raina calling for us to set the table..." Ever since Harry and Lexie discovered Raina Stalling was their godmother, 'Mrs Stalling' was long forgotten, they had gotten used to calling her Raina. As if on cue, the older woman's voice came ringing through the house.

"Lex! Hazza! Y/NM! Come set the table!" Harry immediately jumped out of Y/N's long arms and raced to the table. He felt like he didn't want to blush even more and look like a tomato, so he busied himself with the dishes.


It was now the next morning and Harry , who had just gotten dressed, along with Y/N was walking down the steps to the dining room.

"Morning Raina!"

"Hi kiddos! Today we'll be Floo'ing over to Diagon Alley. You can have breakfast there, as a treat. Now where's Lexie?"

"No idea, she might be in Y/N's room, I'll go check." Harry left the room.

"Y/N, honey, Why don't you go on ahead if you'd like?"

"Yeah, I'll be with Tom." Y/N grabbed the flower pot next to the brick, ashen fireplace and threw the powder in it, creating a large burst of emerald green fire, which she now realised, was the exact colour of Harry's eyes, and yelled out:
"Diagon Alley!", before disappearing in a swish of her cloak. Harry and Lexie ran down the stairs, panting and red.

"Ok, ready? You'll have to Take just a pinch of the powder and throw it into the fire, yes, like that, and now yell loud and clear, 'Diagon Alley!'" But as Harry did what she told him to, he got a mouthful of ash and ended up saying 'Diagonally' instead. Stepping foot into the fire, he was immediately swept into a swirl of emerald green flames. Green flew everywhere, Harry could make out distinct living rooms and studies, before he was unexpectedly pushed out of an old chimney. He brushed the ash out of his eyes and could make out an old and dusty shop through the cracks in his glasses. Many items lay on the multiple desks, such as an old, slimy hand, that looked like it was rotting, or an old chest, which looked like it was from the Middle Ages. Harry slipped into a cupboard, as who must have been the shopkeeper came from a door at the back. Through a crack, Harry saw that Lucius Malfoy and his son, Draco Malfoy entered. Draco Malfoy and Harry, Lexie, Hermione and Y/N had been fiends ever since their first train Journey to Hogwarts, for Malfoy had insulted Y/N's father, Hermione's parentage and unknowingly, Harry and Lexie's Family too. But now, Lucius Malfoy was saying something.

"Borgin... How - er - pleased I am to see you. You see... You might want a few items, before the ministry confiscates them. You do know the sphere of influence I have, don't you? - Draco, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING." The sneer never left his face. Malfoy was clutching onto the very same arm Harry had seen. He felt very sick

"I must say, Mister Malfoy, Your son has fine taste. The Burglar's Hand is, of course, amazing. How much would you like for that?"

"I do hope my son becomes more than a thief, Burkes?" Borgin was left speechless. He quickly handed them the money and shooed them out of there. Borgin then disappeared through the same door and Harry, sensing his chance, slipped quietly out of there, only to walk into a giant figure with bushy, scratchy hair.

"'Arry? What are you doin' 'ere?"

"Hagrid! I got lost floo'ing here from Raina's."

"Yeh shouldn't be 'ere! C'mon let's find Raina." And they set off down Knockturn Alley, turning it's Diagon counterpart, where Raina, Lexie, Y/N and Hermione came hurrying towards them.

"Harry! Thank Merlin you'd only gone one grate too far!"

"A grate?"

Hi! How are you guys? I hope you're doing good. Thank you so much for getting us to 60 reads! Ily for that! I promise you the chapters will get more interesting once they are at Hogwarts. (I just have no idea what to write, cause not much interesting happens before Hogwarts, I guess a bit of writer's block?) Be ready for lots of family drama between the Potters and fluff between us and Harry.
Either way, I just wanted to mention @Safi31 for her amazing story 'Harry Potter Group Chat'! It's really funny, and if you are a Dramione shipper, make sure to check it out! (There is Hinny too! Poor Ron is single though.)

I also wanted to say thank you to @DeathHasCome01 and @Strikos for adding this story to their reading lists!
You two don't know what this means to me, thank you so much!
I hope you have a nice morning ; afternoon ; evening or night!

- Fantasy_ Stan❤️

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