Chapter 1

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[New York, Manhattan - Central Park - Evening, 6:46 p.m.]


That unique and earthy scent that only makes an appearance after it rains but can fill up your entire body and make you feel so high on life, only in just mere seconds.

At least that's what it always makes me feel.

And as I'm jogging down the park and inhale this scent around me, I can feel how my heart pounds a little harder, how my legs run a little faster, how the leaves that I'm stepping on as I go crack a little louder.

I close my eyes and my head is reeling, and the noise of the world shuts off and suddenly everything is moving too fast and I can't control my own legs and I feel like I'm going to crash but I can't open my eyes and I can't stop.



I have to stop running.

Make it stop.


A gasp escaped my lips the moment my body made contact with something hard that knocked me on the ground.

I placed a hand at the back of my head, softly rubbing away the sudden throbbing pain.

"Shit, are you okay?"

I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted back on my own two feet.

I waved the person off but immediately felt a bit unsteady and stumbled forwards before a pair of strong arms held me back to balance.

"You're not okay, let's just sit down at the bench and-"

A pause.

The dizziness begun leaving my head.

My vision finally cleared.

The man's eyes widened "Misha, is that you?"

I blinked at him, my gaze focusing on his face.

"Do I know you?" I asked and sat down at the bench as he suggested.

He instantly positioned himself next to me. "It's Axl. Cleveland, Ohio? We met at the rooftop of that hospital"

"I've never been anywhere outside New York, let alone Ohio. You must confuse me with someone else" I stood up but he grabbed at my arm to prevent me from leaving.

I slowly turned around and faced him.
He got up himself and looked at me in the eye.

"Your name is Misha Davis. You have a black cat named Moose. You had another kitten too but it died a few months ago. You live alone in a small condo in Manhattan and your best friends' name is Ender"

My heart picked up it's pace at the very familiar words but not so familiar face "how-"

"Your mother was murdered when you were 11 years old and your dad buried his grief in alcohol while you buried yours in drugs not very long after"

A huge wave of shivers passed through my body making me feel slightly nauseous.

"How do you know all this?" I asked fearing of his answer.

"Cause I know you. We've met. How can you not remember me?"

I shook my head at him "you're crazy" I begun walking away, feeling my heart beating against my neck, resulting in my throat closing up.


I walked faster.

"I might be. The voices are driving me insane"

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