Chapter 4

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[Cleveland, Ohio - Forest Hill, Theo's Cabin - Day, 7:28 a.m.]


It was two seconds.

I rested my eyes for two seconds and I woke up six whole hours later.

I rubbed at my face sleepily and tried to adjust to my surroundings.

I realised very soon that I was in fact laying on the couch of that cabin, Ender asleep on my lap.

Theo's cabin.


My eyes immediately scanned the place and counted two of my friends peacefully sleeping on the floor but no sight of the owner.

The relief that washed me over when I saw that everyone was in one piece, got quickly replaced by the feeling of uncertainty because of Theo's absence.

I gently pushed a groaning Ender off me and got to my feet, ready to spy on this tiny house.

I  walked past the living room and saw a half-opened wooden door.

Since it was already half-opened I figured that it wouldn't be a crime to open it all the way.

Besides, locks exist for a reason and I see no lock on that door.

As soon as I double checked that it was empty, I walked inside, careful not to make a lot of noise.

Kind of a hard task to perform considering the floor creaks with every single one of my steps.

It looked like a tiny warehouse with a sink somewhere in the corner.

Is this the bathroom?

It doesn't really resemble a bathroom in my eyes.

There was a desk right next to the sink with multiple files and papers scattered around.

I briefly rummaged through them until I caught a glimpse of an odd looking notebook.

It seemed really old, like the original colour of the cover had faded away to a weird shade of green throughout the years.

I picked it up after removing the dust off it and decided to go through it.

A page in and I'm contemplating whether I fully understand the English language or not.

A few random words are made into sentences like poems from a poet that nobody understands.

The little paragraphs make absolutely no sense to me but I can't stop reading them.

Even though I don't understand the meaning behind them, I do feel like they're not pointlessly written.

They have a purpose and depth even though I can barely touch the surface.

I skim through the pages, eager to read more of these little poems and try to give them my own meaning.

One particular sentence catches my attention and I have to read it three times to realise that the words are incredibly familiar to me but I'm unable to put it into context.

So I repeat it again and again, searching through every corner of my mind, trying to remember how, when or why I've read this quote before.

"Instinct is powerful when your head is sleeping. A bleeding man once said 'it's not me who's leaving' " I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. "Damn it man, I definitely know this.."
I took my phone out of my back pocket and immediately opened google to search it up when I realised that I still had no signal.

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