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I blinked.




'Didn't I just got hit by that Isekai-clichee Truck?'

Looking around I don't see a Truck, or for that matter the Street...

or City......

or anything.

Only the calming white that is slightly broken by the equally white fog that is clinging to the... uhm floor?

"Take your time finding your bearings again" 'calming, disembodied, female Voice? Great so I was hit by that truck hu?'

"Yes very much so I'm afraid" 'Mindreading? colour: Black-ish'

"Yes I can read your mind, and that is more of a purple-ish than black~"

"Dam, that was not how I expected my life to go... but what am I doing here"

"Isn't that quite the big question to start with? Well who am I to judge-" 'wait what?'

"Sorry to disrupt but I meant what am I doing HERE, in this place?"

"Oh well that is considerably easier to answer, you are here because I thing you are funny..."

'again wait what?' "Funny? And please don't read my mind?"

"If that is your wish I will try~ *giggle*, and yes I find your personality quite entertaining, which is consequently also the reason you are not going upstairs to be given the choice of either being shredded into pieces and redistributed amongst the cosmic energies or mind wiped and sent back into a new body, be it plant or animal"

"Sorry to disrupt again but WHAT, SHREDDED!?!"

"Well what did you think happens to your soul after your death, peaceful living in a paradise? If we had that many resources, we would not need the material worlds at all, do we *giggle*"

'that is a lot to take in...'

"Soooo, if I am not 'upstairs' to be given these choices, then where am I and what is going to happen to me?"

"Ha, you are with me!" and with that a little Girl with long gold-white hair that ended in similar fog like the floor is covered in, shining gold-white eyes and a gold-white 50s-Collar-dress with, you guessed it, gold-white dress-shoes. Her expression could only be described as a beaming, grinning smile that rivalled the sun in warmth and brightness. Other than that she seemed to be around six, maybe eight, years old.

"I'm a Goddess, to be precise the Goddess of... well probably Fun and Games? Or was it Entertainment? Sorry I'm not that well versed in what the current bureaucratic megalomaniacs upstairs call me, but I always was the funny one so, lets just go with that, Goddess of Funny, but just call me Goddess~."

'Ok, WTF, what's g – who i– how?... Ok calm down man, get a hold of yourself. Important questions first then the panic attack and breakdown.'

"So a Goddess –"

"Just Goddess for you~!*giggle*" 'Again that beaming Smile and that actually quite cute little sister giggle'

"Ok Goddess, what happens to me now?" 'Seem a reasonable answer, Good job man'

"You will be sent to a world of my choosing and retain all your memories! You are also allowed to wish for anything and I already established a link to you, so whenever you need me or you want to talk you just have to 'Pray'n say my name'! Ain't that cool~."

'So basically Isekai with the wishing for power, a magic sword, etc... I can most certainly live with that!'

"If that is so, where do I sign?"

"HAHA, that is what I like about you! Always to the point and always up for some fun~!" 'I can get used to that smile'

"Here sign there, but read the contract carefully, I do intend for it to be rather... ahm, binding..."

'What does that even mean' and with that a Clipboard with the contract-papers on it appeared in her hand which she held out to me.

Taking the Clipboard I started reading:

Contract for binding Soul to Goddess of Fun and Entertainment:

Name of Soul: (A/n),(Y/n)

Age of Soul: 3572 Life Years

Current Status: In Between, Unbound

'Who the what now, 3572 Years?!!!! I'm a 3572 Years old Soul? Good to know I never decided to get shredded....'

With this contract the Soul is bound to the Goddess and must fulfil its contracted purpose.

'Well this is like standard GTC-Stuff, but she told me to read it carefully' and with that I read all, and I spell it out for you, SEVENTYNINETHOUSANDFOURHUNDRETANDNINTYNINE (79.499) Pages of the fucking contract. It was definitely worth it, turns out it was a mixture of I become immortal, never ever will I be sent to shredding because I will always be reincarnated in worlds of her choosing, gain her favorism and must stay with her trough thic and thin. 'Sounds, actually, now that I think about it, a lot like a Wedding. Not that I am an expert on the matter, never had a Girlfriend in my previous live, as far as I can remember, but still, wedded to a Goddess... Hell why not!'

And with that I signed the contract, gained a ring around my... just kidding, but still made her very happy.

"Now to your wishes, as mentioned you can whish for anything in your life, except the world you are sent to, and I cannot interfere with the running world, so setup yes, active cheating yes, but no world-builder access..."

"Ok, I'd like to be powerful, able to be the edge-lord, you know, never was one with confidence but in an Isekai the protagonist mostly becomes the Hero or the absolute evil Overlord, so that would be cool, please."

"Hey, no matter what you choose, power is not the problem, I can always answer your prayer for more if you need but that is beside the point, you will get your power, what you do with it is your choice, I meant it when I said I like your personality so whatever you do is great as long as you do it~."

And with that she beamed a smile again.

"Great, but I don't get to know the world, so how do I know how to use the powers I am given or how do I know that I actually have these powers, or that someone just happens to have more than me?"

"I made you basicly immortal and don't worry if you don't want to leave a world jet we can always talk about that, just keep it fun, that's all!"


"Sorry said I would not be listening in, but your face was just precious, couldn't resist... and Fun for me is fun for you, have some action, some romance, some tragedy, some slice of life. If you want you can live as a shut-in and don't leave the house, but in your next live you would need to live the house even more then! You get it now?"

"Pretty much. Ok, so what next?"

"Man or woman?" 'What?'


"You, man or woman, what do you want to be this life?"

"A man again please."

"Okie doki, then hold on tight is will be a wild ride~*GIGGLE*"

And with that everything went black.

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