Birth and early Childhood

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Then came the Light, blinding light, and I feel a cold breeze on my skin.

Someone picks me up. It is a big, well-build man with brilliant red eyes and short white hair. He has a big, warm smile and his eyes seemingly ablaze with happiness.

'Man he looks a lot like a happy Demon... wait I have seen that face before somewhere...'

But I can't think about it any further, cause another pair of hands is reaching for me. This time a woman with brilliant (e/c) cat-like eyes and equally (h/c) hair as well as well as cat ears appears before my eyes an exhausted but happy smile on her face.

"He got your eyes, honey~" A deep, full but equally kind and warm voice said. 'Probably the man, again I think I heard that voice before... but where?'

'Hold it a sec... cat ears... real cat ears, right before my eyes. They even twitch when her expression changes to an even greater smile. WTF!!!!!'

"(Y/n)~" That was all the woman said before falling asleep. 'Apparently my name, coincidentally MY name' Again I am lifted, this time a nurse, who carried my out of the room away from, what seem to be my parents in this life.

I was brought into a room full of medical equipment, was measured and weighed, everything was written down on some clipboard. Afterwards I got lifted again and we went back to my parents.

'Technically I don't know them any longer than maybe a minute but still I feel safer and more at ease with them, interesting, so being born immediately imprints my parents into my brain as being my parents.'

The big man, Papa, picked me up again and smiled the entire time without stop at me, until I drifted to sleep.

I open my eyes again.

'Dam being born is really exhausting'

And what do I see, no Hospital, no Papa, no Mama, just a wooden ceiling. I tried to say something, yell for Mama or Papa, but instead only gurgled noises leave my mouth.

'Fuck! I don't have control over my vocal cords! Now that I think about it, I don't have any control over my body whatsoever' and clumsily I move my stubby t-rex arms into my FOV.

'Yup that might be a problem'

I tried to move, well better roll myself towards what could only be described as a big wooden wall, that seems to be all around me. The 'floor' seems to be some very comfy pillow.

'I'm in a cradle, a 25 YO in a cradle, Comes a 25 YO in a cradle... no I will not let myself be distracted! Focus!'

I continue my way towards the cradles walls. It took a lot longer than I anticipated. Almost two whole minutes.

'Two fucking minutes just to crawl/roll/drag myself about five maybe ten cm max., this suuuuuucks!!!!!!!'

Trying to climb the walls of the cradle seam to be an impossible task, but after a couple minutes I managed to stand up and remain standing by stabilising myself with my chubby arms. And there he is, sitting in a chair not entirely three meters away. Head against the wings of the wing chair he is currently occupying is Papa, sleeping with a book in his lap and a half emptied glass of black liquid. It is slightly bubbling.

'I do hope that is Coke, if they have Coke in this world then I am SAVED!!!! Alternatively I also accept black tea but that would not be bubbling.'

I tried once again calling out to him and it did sound more like a giggle then a voice, but still better than the gurgle from before. He still did not react, so I did what any logical 25 YO in the body of a barely born child would do. I started doing push up! Cause that is totally logical and normal!

I managed about five of my crippled push ups before falling asleep again due to exhaustion.

When I opened my eyes again for the third time after my birth I was greeted with the sight of two grinning faces pressed against each other both looking down on me, apparently in their arms.

"Ain't he a true angel, sweetheart~?"

"He definitely got the looks from you, Honey~"

"Actually I was more referring to the fact that he didn't even scream once! I know that babies are actually screaming a lot, remember Yagi's Daughter? She seems to be screaming almost the entire time she was awake..."

"Well he isn't Yagi's son, he is OUR son!" Papa boomed with pride!

'I definitely want to make that man happy, and mom, from this angle she looks like an angel, an angel with cat ears and cat eyes and, wait a sec, is that an actual tail, wait a sec that is MY TAIL, I got a fucking fluffy Tail, do I have cat ears too? And for that matter cat eyes? I have to figure that out ASAP!'

SO, without delay I tried to reach my head, and I felt... Hair?

'Wait since when do new-borns have full grown hair?'

And then I reached them, two small but very fluffy ears. My parents noticed that and immediately darted to caress them, and without noticing at first I actually started to purr just like a cat.

-Time skip-

I have been on this world almost a month now and I still have not figured out where I know Papas face and voice from. That is extremely unnerving. I also gathered that my Families name is Shigaraki Though I have to agree that getting moms attention is always more important, not that Dad is somehow less caring of friendly, but Mama is home more often. Papa is out most of the time, and when he gets back he always wears a neat black suit. I have gathered that he seems to be some sort of business man. And we seem to be quite the high standing family. The only thing that is really strange about this is that Dad always has these kind of strange devices on his belt. They almost look like the stuff you would see in comics as support equipment of heroes. And mom always asks if his patrol was successful. But that has minimum priority right now. I currently focus on trying to get my coordination up and increase my speech skill, because not being able to speak is really really really... suboptimal!

-Time skip-

Finally! I can walk! Mom and Dad are so freaking happy and astonished that I learned to walk with just 11 and a half months, next up is my speech!!!

And look at that, or better hear that:

"Mama, Papa!"

Two heads snap in my direction, faster than freaking FTL.

"Did (Y/n) just say Mama and..." "...Papa?" Finished Papa Mamas sentence.

"Mama, Papa!"

'Now they seem to have an existential crisis. Their child is speaking and walking being not even one year old... well I don't think I have overdone it, I could have started with I have hunger and want to know all there is to know about this world, so I think Mama and Papa were some A-Grade choices for first words. Would have been funny starting with "Fuck that took longer than expected" though...'

And with that they almost lunged at me and Dad took me up with an even bigger smile, that seem to extend past his ears and mom... I think she fainted while standing upright.


I took several days before I spoke more words and I spent those exclusively in front of the TV and Radio for the first time actually listening to them and not completely ignoring them, to have a reason why I know the words and all that, I also learned a lot about this World this way, should have done that a lot earlier though, because there is a rise in people who have superpowers and Mutations, like my mom, and they are called Quirks.

'First Thought: My Hero Academia, Second Thought: I finally can place from where I know Dad. Dad is Freaking All for One!'

Everything for OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora