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I blinked.



'Deja-vu?... Just me?'

'Dam I was really worried you know! You had some major problems there that could have affected your soul.'

'I what? Didn't I just lose consciousness?'

'You practically died there. Your father saved you but I will let him explain on that further, just remember, please.'

'Remember what?'



I looked around and found myself again in a rather white room. No doors, no windows, just plain white walls. I walked around a little, from one wall to the other. Then I noticed a change. A sort of black misty mass was forming in the centre of the room. It turned into my Dad.

"(Y/n) is that really you?" There was a noticeable edge in his voice, the panic between hope and despair. He looked older, a little but it was there.

"Dad, where am I? What happened?"

His eyes lit up with a glint (Well more like a flood-searchlight) of happiness. And within seconds he stood in front of me pulling me into probably the biggest hug I ever had.

"I am so, SO happy this worked. You must have been so scared."

'Well I apparently almost died for good, so maybe I SHOULD be scared. So why am I not?'

"Currently we are in a sort of mental realm, created by a Quirk I acquired. It allows for telepathic communication in a sort of... mental VR-chat room."

'Aha, no idea what ya talkin' 'bout'

"A what?"

"It is like a room where you can meet me, but it is not really real, more like in your head little Kitten."

"Ahm, ok, so what happened?"

"You had a problem with your Quirk, or better your Quirk set in motion a chain reaction which shut your body down while rewriting you."

"O K . . . That does not sound good, but I am better now?"

His flinch revealed that this does not seem to be the case.

"Not really, I managed to get a bunch of Scientists and Doctors together and they managed to construct a working stasis tube, you know like the ones in your Sci-Fi-Novels. You are currently in one of those. It was quite the long shot whether this Quirk actually allowed me to reach you."

"How are you and Mom, now that I am in this... stasis tube..."

"Well I am fine, your Mom... she is in one as well. Right next to yours actually, just about a meter to the left."

"Why? I mean-"

"To be with you when you wake up."

'Hu, he said when I wake up, not if, but if I am in a fancy shmancy Stasis Tube my condition has to be pretty serious.'

"And why are you not in one? And why is Mom in one, how long was I out that you thought it necessary to put Mom in one?"

"Currently about ten years, Kitten."

'. . . Ten Years. Ten Years.'

"I don't want to lie to you, so I will give it to you straight. We... don't know how to cure you. I am... researching... in that direction with a team of c-... capable scientists"

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