Mixes (Part 2 of "Steve mixes")

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I am back from the pause, sorry if their are wet spots on this page. It still hurts even as the loop continues.

Where was I? Oh yes. The others. I just talk about the Shades, I guess it's time to move to the next group. The mixes. That name is still a work in progress, but for now it will have to do.

The mixes are based off of the five sub main. The Natures, cause they can all mix with each other with no limits rather then two. They can never mix more then two. At least as far as I know. So let's begin on these Steves who are more more common then the shades and the last group.

The mixes are only larger in numbers Because they only get cast away not killed like the shades and the others are.

Savannah Steve (Forest and Desert)
These Steves are made out of sand and trees. Their hands and arms are made out of sand, but the rest of their body is made out of wood, branches and leaves. They live between the borders of Forest and Desert Steves. They can live in areas of heat and forest, but avoid water at all costs. It won't kill but it harms them. They are shy and calm and keep to themselves. They can grow plants as a defense and strong winds to carry sand as a second defense.

Coral Steve (Forest and Ocean)
They can breath air and water, but prefer to stay in the water. They can talk to fish and dolphins and are very found of Axolotl. They are made up of coral and kelp which dries up a little slower so they can be on land much longer then the Ocean Steves can. They can Grow coral as a weapon and use it as a way to hold people down and trap them. I found that out the hard way. They are very social and respectful. They have a strong dislike to the Desert Steves though.

Taiga Steve (Forest and Winter)
Just as suggested they live in the Taiga forests. They are known to be mysterious to the other mixes. Rarely seen and rarely found. I only saw one once. In a blizzard. I saw a Steve who seems to resemble the idea of a dead frozen tree. I wish I could explain the amount of fear o felt by Looking into their dead eyes. The next thing I knew I was trapped in branches. When I touched one I felt my hand go numb and cold. Then they were gone.

Lush Steve (Forest and Obsidian)
Lush Steves are quiet strange to look at. Their chest is made out of obsidian but it quickly changes to stone, then dirt and quickly plants only found in caves. They can see in the dark and have a strange sense of kneeling where ores are in caves. They can also tell you where the lush caves are or if the cave system has one. They don't like being out in the sun for too long  Because they say it's too hot. Being close to lava also makes them weak just like the sun. They are very smart and curious. They can summon stones and plants.

Cove Steve (Desert and Ocean)
Made of Sand and water they are as fragile as a sandcastle. They are shy and stay away from other Steves. They have a hard time trying to keep a balance of water and air. Making them the weakest Steve of them all, but have created the biggest impact of the world. They create rivers from nothing. You can tell if they created them or not by if they are connected to the sea.

Frost Steve (Desert and Winter)
These Steves hide in sand temples at day but come out when the hot desserts turn into winter days. Made out of frozen sand being in the sun for longer then a few minutes can kill them, but at night they thrive. Frost follows them whoever they walk being Able to freeze things into place. I have only seen them from a distance. They are most likely anti social and cold- in more ways then one.

Stone Steve (Desert and Obsidian)
Stone, that's all they are. Stone. They live in cave systems without lush caves. They are made out of every stone thinkable. Sandstone, Diorite, ect. They can summon those stones at will and make them polished with draining an extra bit of their energy. They are very strong and don't have much weakness. They can live out of the caves if they wished, but are blind and prefer to use echo location to travel and see.

Arctic Steve (Ocean and Winter)
The live in ice peaks and makes the cold their home. They are Almost see through like a ghost from their fogged ice bodies. They can summon water as long at its above freezing, but usually stay away from areas with any temperatures higher then 40 •F (4.4 •C) they can summon any ice at will and use it both as a weapon and  defense. They are very kind for being made of ice and snow.

Geyser Steve (Ocean and Obsidian)
With the mix of heat and water Geyser Steves can never leave the trenches in the sea. Water boils around them wherever they swim. They use that heat to their advantage to fight with water and smoke. Being made of rocks and earth. The water in them comes out as smog like Hydrothermal vents with each breath of cold water they take. They glow slightly so don't mind the dark depths and befriends squids for company.

Crystal Steve (Winter and Obsidian)
Only able to live the hottest and deepest parts of the cave. The ice inside them melts slowly causing them to grow into crystal their body made out of obsidian and other bases the water that constant drips from the forms into crystal on their skin and wherever they choose to rest. They can summon crystal at their own will, but it's drains them quickly and causes them to drain their water and ice so they only use their powers in emergency. Usually they are hard to even land a scratch on being one of the most stronger Steves physically.

Ten Steves are in the mixes right now, but if I find new Steves then their might be more I have to add. Each of these Steves both mysterious and powerful have staid hidden even in Colle's research.

With that I only have one more group to cover. The __________________________________________________

Sorry Hypno stole my book again making me scrape the page with ink. I'll have to fix this before I can write more and figure out what he wants again. He in the only friend I have in these pauses who stay with me. It's nice that I have at least one friend in the pauses I can't never end from.
(Words 1165) and part two is out :D

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