Who's the new guy?

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A/N here is the first chapter! i'm goin to try and keep these author notes short! enjoy!!!! ( Sorry for spelling errors I suck at spelling)


Your POV

I felt hot, not like I was sleep sweating. But physicly hot. It felt how flames were right beside me. I shot my eyes open seeing everything on fire my only thought where my parents. I rushed to my door reaching for the hanndle it burnt my hand as I touched it. I yellped in pain while look at my now blistering hand. We were on the second story of the hotel so I was to scared to jump but I couldn't just stay in the burning building. I went over to the window that was in my room seeing that it looks like everyone was already outside. I grabbed the blankets off my bed that where now turning grey then black because of the heat. I opened the window and waved the black blanket out the window hoping that someone would see it. Thankfully they did. They yelled up to me telling me that it will be okay and that the fire department was coming. They kept yelling at me and soon I heard the sirens of the fire department coming. I saw them pull in and a lady ran over to them to tell them that I was still in the building and they soon rushed up to get me. They helped me get out of window and onto the ladder me collapsing as soon as my feet hit the ground. Then everything went black.


I woke up in a cold sweat. My breathing moving fast and getting faster by the second, I soon started crying. That was when my parents died. It wasen't the worst death i had seen over the years in foster care. But its the one that hurt the most. "Summer are you okay?" You hear your best friend Niki asking you. You had met Niki on your first day of foster care and always came back together in the end of it. "Ni-Niki?" I studerd to say. " I'm here Summer I'm here." she started to hug me letting my tears soak into her pjamma shirt. "Summer Whats wrong? please tell me i wannahelp you okay?" Niki was all ways so sweet to me. Even though on the first day of foster care I was so mean to her. "I-I had t-that s-s-stupied dream a-again." I manged to get out through sobs "The one about your parents and the fire?" I nodded "Oh Summer! I'm so sorry!" I sit up from Niki's hug. "You don't need to be sorry Niki! It wasen't your fault I ended up like this!" " I know Summer! I just feel bad that you have these tramatic dreams and i'm perfectly fine." "Niki you dont need to feel bad either! Okay you know me! I'll be fine! It waesn't even a panic attack!" "Yeah your right well are you gonna go back to sleep or stay up?" I looked over to mine and Niki's window since we shared a room since we where the only fourteen year olds in this foster care system, and of course I had the worst record out of everyone so I hardly got picked for a new family.  "Well it's sunrise so I may as well just stay up!" As i was saying that I reached for my scetch book and pencil that was on my bedside table. I started sketching. Niki climbed back into her bed and fell back asleep. She needed sleep for energy  and a lot of it. I was one of the few people in the orphange that didn't need any sleep or hardly any to stay fully energized. I kept sketching till I hear I light knock on the door. "Come in." I say then quickly looking at the window to see that it was no longer sunrise. "Niki, Summer Time for breakfast." Niki awoke from the knock. "We will be right down mrs." I say in the most calm voice I could.


I heard the word breakfast and immediately started freaking out internaly. I couldn't eat. not even the tiniest bit of food. everyone would call me fat and pig like. I couldn't deal with that right now. I couldn't fucking eat anything. I must of looked a little bit panicked because Niki came and tapped on my shoulder brining me out of my thoughts. "Hey Summer are you okay?" I gave her a reashering smile. "yeah sorry maybe I should've gone back to bed." she smiles weakly at me then we both headed down stairs to the dinning hall where the rest of the kids were. ME and Niki went over to the cafiteria worker and got our breakfast. I looked at it in horror. Today we had stawberries toast with jam and a banana. Me and Niki both went to our desired table and started eating. Well more like Niki was eating and me staring at my food. "C'mon Summer just one stawberry!" Niki was the only person ever to know about eating disorder. And she tried to help me with it as much she could. Like encourage me that I was skinny and beutiful and that a little food wouldn'tdo anything. But was one thing that she was wrong about. It meant so much all that food and making me even fatter. "Okay but only one strawberry! Okay?" "Of course Summer I don't wanna push you." I looked for the smallest strawberry that was on my plate and ate it. I almost couldn't swallow it but eventullay I did. "Good job" Niki whisperd to me as the headmaster came over to our table. "Ms. Summer Chris?" "Yes?" I said cringing at my last name seeming as though it was my parents. "Please come with me for a little chat in my office." She then grabbed my arm pulling my skin and hurting  me as she dragged me to her office without me being able to respond ot her question. Niki looked worried for me. usally kids would only get dragged into the headmasters office if they did something really bad. "Take a seat Summer." She said pointingto the chair infront of her desk while closing the door to her office. "Am I in trouble Mrs.?" I asked my voice almost a whisper as I didn't like getting in trouble with her around. "Quite the oppisite Summer! We have a family coming in today for you. The fathers name is Philza ans all three of his sons are adopted." She said with a now cheery tone in her voice like she was excited for me. But I wasen't I liked here better than anywhere its were my best friend was. I didn't want to leave her yet. And what if all his sons are being abused to look happy and are actully really broken inside. The headmaster most of noticed my panicking and called in Niki. "Hey Summer! it's me! Niki!" I laughed at that. "I know who you are silly!" I said my breathing becoming steady again. "Thanks." I say to Niki. She smiled. That wasen't even a panic attack, thats what I called a thought over load. Niki walked out of the headmasters office giving me a weak smile before leaving. "Well I didn't think that would be reaction to hearing this news! I thought you would be happy! Philza seems like a really good man. And his sons are adopted!" " I know Mrs. I just havent been to a new family in a while." "I know but Philza seems really nice! Just give him a chance okay?" "Fine." I say trying not to roll my eyes. "He is going to be here in less than an hour so I would go and get ready and packed up okay?" "Okay" I said getting up at walking out of her office thankful that I didn't have to go and finish my food.

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