The Car Ride.

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A/N Hope you guys liked the first chapter of the book! I really hope you liked it! This part will be from Wils POV from when he grabbed Summer wrist.  The triiger warningwill be for the whole page for this one just to let you know!! Now onto the next part!

Wilburs POV


As soon as I got up to grab Summer's bag I slipped. Why was the floor so fucking slipery here? I missed the bag which I was going to grab for stability but missed...again. why was I such a fucking cluts today? I wasen't thinking and grabed Summer wrist cause it was the next closest thing to the bag. Wen I grabbed her wrist it didn't even feel like skin, just bone. I could feel my eye's widen and I looked to Phil giving him my 'worried' look I then looked back to Summer who seems to be laughing from my slip up. I then looked back down at wrist in horror. This girl hasen't eaten anything for a while. "Sorry Summer!" I say letting go of her wrist. "It's fine Wil!" She was still laughing a bit when she spoke to me. There was only one good thing that I could think of to get my mind off her wrist, that she didn't flinch when I grabbed her wrist and that she was laughing and talking more since she came in the room. just maybe she trusted us a little bit. "Here now let me actully take your bag!" I say chuckling a little takeing her bag from her. "Well, I think were ready to go now!" Phil said sounding excited. "Ready Summer?" I asked. "Mhmm" She hummed in agremeant. We then left the room to go sign out Summer.

After we signed Summer out of the orphanage we led her to our car, well van. I open the back and gently put her suitcase in not wanting to break anything importent if she had any thing. I got into the passenger seat Phil in the drivers seat and Summer went to the very back of the van sitting in the middle seat. She reached into her bag and got out her phone headphones and what looked like a sketch book and pencils and started drawing. I could hear the musci from up which probably mean she was trying to tue out the world for a little bit before ariving at a new household. I turned back to Phill with the same worried look I had in the room When I grabbed Summer's Wrist. "Everything okay mate? You seem a little off since you tripped and fell onto Summer." He said chuckling at the last part. "Umm i'm just worried for Summer." I say my voice a whisper so only Phil could here it if Summer took of her headphones. "What do you mean?" Phil asked changing his voice to a whisper as well. "Well when I fell and grabbed Summer's wrist and it felt like she had nothing there. Just bone." I started to have a flashback When I said that.


"Tommy man you have to eat something! Your a living skeleton! please!" I started to cry. I was only 14 when we adopted Tommy. He was twelve and I was scared that we would lose him. "Wilbur! You not listening to me! Everyone thinks i'm fat and ugly! You just want me to eat so you can make fun of me for gaining weight!" He started to cry with me. "Tommy." I said starting to pull him into a hug. "Tommy I would never make fun of you for putting on weight you need to! You need to fucking eat! I'm not letting my little brother die of starvation at twelve! That's not gonna fucking happen okay Tommy? Me and Techno and Phil will help you okay! We'll get you a nutritionist, and we will start off small and get bigger every week! Okay!?" He was still crying soaking my shirt with his tears. "O-okay Wil." I managed to get out in between sobs.
End Of Flashback

"Wil? You okay Mate?" Phil asked me. "Yeah sorry dad." "Well take a look in the mirror son. Your crying and deathly pale. Now whats wrong?" He sounded consurned for me. "Well it was just another flashback to when I found out that Tommy had an eating disorder it just reminded me of Summer." My voice trailing off near the end. I got flashbacks every once in a while there not really a problem for me. But if there bad enough Phil would get worried. "Well, I highly doubt that Summer will wanna talk about it. Just like Tommy didn't. We will just have to try and talk about it with her when she gets comfy in the house." Phil said getting my hopes up a little that she may not be as bad as Tommy was. "Umm" I head Summer wanting to grab out attention. "Yes?" I say, "Ummm I don't wanna be a bother and ask how much longer is it, but how much longer is it?" She practiclly whispered it probably thinking she was gonna get hit for asking it. "Where almost there mate maybe like five more minuets!" Phil said happily, probably trying to make her a little more comfortable for asking questions. "Thank you." She said putting her headphones back and continuse to draw. I smiled knowing she was in for quite a treat, our house was no ordinary household. Phil must've saw me smile because he smiled too. "Alright! Summer we're here!" Phil said pulling itno the drive way. It made her look a little worried. "Oh okay." She started taking her headphones off and putting it into her backpack. Same with her phone sketch book and her pencil. We all got out of the van, I went to the back and grabbed her bag, Phil and Summer were alredy waiting at the door waitingfor my slow ass to get there. "Ready Summer?" I heard Phil say before she nodded and Phil opend the door.

A/N ALRIGHT! That's it for chapter 2! sorry this one was short! I just wanted a diffrent chapter for Summer to meet everyone. the next few chapters are going to be wayyyyyyyy longer than this I swear!! I just like that the first two chapters are shorter! Chapter three will be out soon! im reall excited for it so I hope you all will too!!! MAke sure to go eat something if you haven't today! drink at least one cup of water! AND take your meds if you have any! I love you all your all amazing!!!!!!

~.*Word count for this page is 1137 This many words!*.~

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