camping tragedy (episode 2)

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Hey guys this is bluee,I made this story cuz vampt story is nearing its end so here it is the new one!hope u like this one
Valt pov
today kris took us for camping in the BC sol forrest because not all of the members are familer with the it so she thought it would be better to make them look around the forrest

"so uh...kris where are we gonna set up the camp?"I asked "oh I already found a better spot for it valt!don't worry" she said with a sweet smile but all I am worrying about is we came too far away from BC sol so its hard to find anyone who goes missing...

" are u sure we are not too far away?"I asked free "your right...we are kinda far away thats why we came here right?"he said in a bored tone

"well...I know but what if any of us go missing?"I asked "valt stop being the mom of the group and start to enjoy the camp!"said honcho "hehe looks like your right boss!"I said but still something is odd...its like someone is stalking us or something?I think free noticed it too but he didn't showed in the face,I pretty sure free is hiding something which BC sol members don't know...

"and here we are!"shouted kris interrupting my thoughts so I looked up and grinned so thry won't find out "now time to setting everything up!"honcho said and marched to do something but kris stopped him

"I will give the works to do or else I am sure you guys will mess up"she said

"I agree with kris"said shasha and kris started to give us the works,she said me to get some sticks for the night,great the only work which I hate the most in the camps "ok..."I said and went to the bushes to check if there are any sticks.

time skip
Still valt pov
"*sighs*its been 15 minutes but still I couldn't find a thing and now I don't know where even am I!I said to myself

"great thats why I hate this work in all of them.."I said in stress 'wait where is free's deer,it must know where he is and rest of them!' I thought myself and started looking around where am I first.'I am like missing for 15 minutes so they've must started looking around now all I need to do is find the deer...'I thought and started to go front and looked around.

time skip again(sry for it)

"finally found it!"I said and gone closer wait the look scared?but why? i walked closer to it and saw what is happening

"what!"I shouted looking at the scene infront of me "!it can't be her!"I shouted

the deer looked at me confused "huh oh hey don't worry its nothing"I said it nodded in response "what should I do...wait!"I said

"free come out I know your there..."I said and free came out "so how did you found me?"he asked "See yourself there"I said and he turned to see the scene and his face turned horrified guess he found out whats happening

"we need to save them!"he shouted "well how?"I asked,I never thought he is this dumb "leave it to me.."he said and went

"free de le hoya..."the girl said while holding kris's neck "what do you want hiyoko?"he said wait so they knew each other huh...

"I think there is someone in your team that I need the most de lehoya..."she said wait...I knew it!

"And if I gave gave them?"he asked "shoot he is making a deal!"I said to myself

than something striked me where is honcho? And I looked around to see honcho hiding behind the tree so I trued to go to him by hiding in the bushes ,its not the best idea to go like this but...hiyoko spotted him already if free didn't agree to her than her next target will be him so I took of speed walking

"honcho!"I whispered shouted and he looked at me "valt! You finally showed up!"he said and hugged me

"yes I am here can you explain what's going on?"I asked "sure but I think its not safe here..."he said peeking outside and I too peeked to find hiyoko amd free fighting

"what in the world do free can do that!"I asked "dunno buddy but now lets try to go and find others.."he said

"its not safe honcho...that girl already found out all our hiding spots expect my old one cause I was late"I said and continued "she is trying to make a deal with free,if free don't agree than she will use us as a card to make him agree."I said

"do you know what is the deal?"he asked "yeah,she is want someone from our team which she says is important"I said "I wonder who it is but all I can say is R.I.P him/her"he said "hahaha now lets try to move slowly without noticing someone"I said and moved while honcho following me than for a precaution I peeked up to find free losing "oh no...this is bad boss!"I said

"what happened valt?"he asked "free is losing!"I whispered shouted "now now~ you can't even stand up free...lets make it more easier just give me my valt aio!"she said

"what the..."I said "dude she is here for you!"honcho whispered before I could say anything the girl spoke "valt aio!I know your hiding somewhere here~just surrender yourself before someone get killed again~"she said

"no....don't.."I said "killed again?"asked honcho "I surrender please don't kill anyone again.."I said tears falling down in my cheeks "oh valty~looks like you still remember that incident"she said and walked to me

"how can I forget..."I said than she did something and everyone around me expect free fainted

"what have you done!?!"I shouted "oh valty its nothing they will wakeup eventually~"she said

"what do you mean by again!?!" free asked "oh looks like no one knows about your past valty~"she said

"first of all stop calling me that and what do you want from me?!?you stalked me everyday,don't think I didn't noticed it!"I said "oh valty I know your smart~"she said "grr"I groaned and she did something with her hands and I fainted.
Hey guys whoa 1136 words thats big but nah I finally finished this chapter.anyways hope you enjoyed bye cya!

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