Episode 12

121 12 33

Shu kurenai Pov

I walked into the hall full of vampires from Snake Pit and stood there, facing someone. Someone I didn't wanted to see.

Someone I really despair.

Someone. I never want to see again.

"*bows down* Ashtem..." I said in pure disgust.

I feel weak just bowing down to that man.

"Hello Red Eye. We meet again" said Alexander as he grinned like a psycho he is.

I gritted my teeth when he called me Red Eye yet I can't do anything..

"May I know why are you here? In the hall of Snake Pit? After you left the organization?" he asked smirking

"I am here.. To give a complain about Princess Hiyoko Ashtem" I said still bowing down

"Hiyoko? What did she do now? Did that little brat did something she must not?" He asked

"Yes. She have arranged a wedding for herself and.....A human" I said

"..... A Human?" his voice slowly turned dark

"Yes Ashtem. She is in love with a human"

"May I know his name Red Eye?"

"his name is Valt. Valt Aoi" I said

But I heard him laugh. Laugh maniacally....I looked up suprised from his reaction

"isn't he the one.... You love?"

My eyes widened when he said that as he got up from his chair and looked at me with a wide grin

I backed away as he laughed more.. Like a madman..


I looked over the Valt that is lost in the maze of Snake Pit

I watched him silently while he was calling or should I say.. Cried out for help.

But I didn't cared. Well key word cared until... He showed up

He grabbed Valt by his hair and made him look at his eyes, making Valt whimper a little

Valt struggled as much as he could but it was no use as he was holding him tightly

"You must be Valt Aoi...... The guy my daughter wants so bad.." he said. Even though his face was calm, his voice said everything...

He was angry that his daughter fell for Valt

I watched silently as he sighed and dropped Valt down

Valt fell down on his butt with a thud and looked up with fear in his eyes

I didn't wanted to see that.... I always... Wanted his eyes to be filled with joy and happiness but... Fear....

He looked at Valt with a serious expression and begin to speak

"I will give you to her. But... If you don't give your blood or obey her... I will tear you apart and make sure to keep you alive and torture you" he said as he raised his hand as two figures emerged from the shadows

"Take him to the castle and lock him up in the guest room" he ordered

Valt screamed for help yet no one came to save him

He was in a pathetic condition....





"R-Red Eye?!" "..."


"Let him go." I ordered them as they fearfully let the trembling Valt go

They dropped him and ran as I looked at the Valt who was on the floor in the verge of crying

I was about to help him get up but something or rather.. Someone stopped me

"Red Eye"

I looked up at the figure who came out of the shadow

"What are you trying to pull here?"

".... I am doing something that I must have did before.... I am saving MY love"


"He is not a property or object to toss around Ashtem. He is a human. A living being"

"*sighs* I will let you go now but. If my daughter gets her hands on him then you must not interfere. If you did then you know what will happen"

I ignored him and went beside Valt and pulled him up and helped him to stand up

He was still scared but we have no time left..

I made him look at my mask's holes as he started to back away but I grabbed him tightly and forcefully made him to look

He struggled a little as my eyes glowed and he slowly stopped struggling and soon passed out

I took him to where the trapdoor is and made him lay there while his friends were still searching for him

Soon they found him and woke him up

"VALT?!" "... My head hurts" " You got up and the first thing you say is your head hurts?"

"... Yes I did" "...... OK. But where were you?" "I don't know.. I don't remember it.. But can we please go?... I somehow feel tired.."

"Yeah yeah let's go.."


"Now get out. You have no rights to complain about it"

I just turned away from him and started to walk off

I was disappointed and unsatisfied

Yet I can't do anything.... Legally right now.

Looks like I have to go in Free's way..


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