Episode 11

137 10 19

Valt Aoi Pov

I looked at the mirror as it reflected myself.. Wearing red and black suit..

I looked away not wanting to see more. I went to the bed and sat in it

I brought my knees to my chest and sat there. Tears dripping from my cheek.

One word, three letters. One question...

'why?' it repeated again and again in my mind as all I can think of was words filled with despair.

Moments that happened in my life thats filled with sorrow.

And people made my life.. More worst.

I heard the door open but I didn't look up. I didn't wanted to do anything anymore.

What is the point of escaping when the one I always look up is against me?

"Get up, we need to leave" said a voice. A male voice. Familer voice. That cracked for the first time in years

"N-no, I don't want to come" I whispered as I was still looking down and not up

I heard the owner of the voice sigh "I know how you're feeling Valt. But it's not the point. We need to leave"

"..." I didn't say anything and was still looking down

I heard the voice sigh as they pulled me up

And made me look at them "Valt. I know what I am doing might seem wrong. But trust me. The price your paying right now is for your good. Our good. For our family" they said

"B-But F-Fuji.." I whispered as my voice cracked

"Come on little brother.. I might have sounded harsh back then. But it was for a reason. Now you have grown up! Now come on wipe those tears" he said and wiped my tears away

"Now smile" he said as I forced as smile. He frowned when I did that and hugged me

"Little bro........ I am sorry.... I know you feel like an object that is passed here and there from people to people... But trust me... This is for our own good"

But I broke down crying as I hugged him back "F-Fuji! I-it hurts... W-why am I-I the one w-who is t-tossed a-around?.." I asked as I cried harder in his shoulder

He patted my shoulder and whispered comforting words in my ears to ease me down

"It's gonna be okay....Valt...Its soon gonna be..."


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