Finding the book and a FLASHBACK

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"What  the  hell  just  happened" Paul  said  recovering  from  the  shock.

" hmm....but in our ship library  there is  a book called  island of  love.  I never  read  it before so I don't know know  about  it." Leaf  said while  thinking 

But  no one  noticed  the  royal  family  was too upset  after hearing  about  ISLAND  of  love. Suddenly  May  just  started  to  fall  down  but drew  caught her  perfectly. Everyone  gasped and started  to  worry  about  May.  Royal  family didn't  even  moved  from  their  places. They all just  are   seeing  it.

" May  wake up, May can you  hear  me?  " Drew  asked  worriedly.

" I don't  think  so drew  that  she can  hear us " ash said  sadly 

"Let  me  call  the  doctor  of this  ship " misty  said  while  walking.  But got stopped  by lucario.

" lu cario lu lucario " lucario  said  ( I can  feel  May is having  a  flashback. A very  painful  flashback .drew  I can  make  you  go in the  dream of  her flashback.  you  have  to  talk  to  May and  calm her down. )

" ok lucario  do it  I will  make  sure  to  calm her  down " drew  said   while  giving  confident  look. Lucario  nodded  and  started  to  make  a aura  like  thing  in  his  paws and  he slowly  hit  drew  with  it . And drew  fell a sleep  too. 


'Where  am I '  May  thought  while  seeing  around  and  she  realized  it  is  the  place  where  she  and  Gary  and  max used  to  come  in holidays  ISLAND  of love.  Then she  saw her  a small  May , Gary,  and  max were  playing . She  started  to  cry  loudly ' it is  too painful'  May  thought.  But  suddenly  she  felt  someone  hugged  her  tightly.

" calm down  May  I am  here  okay  just  calm  down " drew  said  while  hugging  May tightly.  She  hugged  drew  back  and  said " "drew  we can't  go back  until  this  flashback  is  over . But  it is  too  painful to  see  this again " May  said while  crying  more

" May  listen  to  me  we have  to  go  through  this . I am  with  you  and  you  told  me  onetime  that  your brother  told  you  to  protect  your  kingdom  right.  So you  have  to  do  this  for  Gary  May  please  " drew  said  softly . May  nodded  " ok I will  do  this " May  said while  hugging  drew  more tightly. 

                                                   Flashback  started 

A  small  May  was playing  in  a  Island  with  her two  brothers . Max was running  and May  and  Gary  were  running  behind  him .

"YOU  CAN'T  CATCH  ME " Max yelled  happily  while  running. 

"JUST  WAIT  AND  WATCH  MAX ME AND  GARY  WILL  CATCH  YOU "  May  yelled  while  laughing. 

" BOTH  OF  YOU  SLOW DOWN  OK .OR ELSE  YOU  BOTH  WILL  GET  HURT  " GARY yelled  while  running  behind  them  

But  suddenly  a  man  wearing  a  black clothes  jumped  in  front  of  them. Three of stopped  running  and  they  all started  to  walk  backwards  away  from  the  man.but the  man stooped  them  with  a  magical  shield  they all bumped  into  it.

( photo  of the  man just  imagine  that  it is  all  black )

( photo  of the  man just  imagine  that  it is  all  black )

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