BTS of Purple.

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[Because we like torturing and uncovering things, we are doing this. Purple will be in Italics. Cursing might be common-]



What in the name of Arceus do you want?

So... you know the costumes that came in?


Well... my Conquest costume is a little big on me....

The hell it is. Lemme see...


[In all sense of truth, it was a little big on him.]

Unbelievable... did they not measure you?



Oh shit-

Lapis: Woah, what's wrong?

Uh.... look....

Lapis: Oh shit....

See! How am I supposed to do that! I can't even use the set!

Lapis: Hm.... I got an idea! One moment.



Lapis: Here! This will help you out. Unless you're sitting down or doing a chase, this should get you to where you need.

Thanks Lapis!


Pink: Purple, what are you doing?

That's none of your business.

Pink: But you have grabbed my curiosity.

I don't care.


Ack! Admiral!

Admiral: Lookie what I got!

Give it back!

Whatcha got there?

Admiral: Look at this little stool!

Lime: Ew. It's an ugly green color....

Give that back!

You don't need it.

Mlm: *Steals the stool and gives it back to Purple* Yes, he does.

Pink: You need a stool?!

I'm not 20 times bigger than some of you!

Pink: I'm so telling!


Pink: What are you doing?

I'm trying on the costumes...?

Pink: Why?

I have to make sure they fit.

Pink: ... Why?

Because the other place never has my size in the costumes I need and so Etta had to talk to someone else to get me a custom sized costume...

Pink: What size are you?

8s in Shirts and Pants, 2s in shoes.

Pink: *Stops and stares* The actually hell?

I'm not as big as you monsters! I'm 4'2! Idiots...........

Pink: .... *Whispers to self* Oh I'm exposing you....


[And there you go! Let us know if you have any questions]


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