Pokemon Precure Sequel BTS

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Oh boy. Round two.


Shauna: I'm Shauna of the Pokemon Precure! Over there are the groups of the Max Heart Precure, Splash Heart Precure, Yes GoGo Precure, Fresh Precure, Heartcatch Precure, Suite Precure, Smile Precure, Doki Doki Precure, Happiness Charge Precure, Princess Precure, Maho Girls Precure, KiraKira Precure, Hugtto Precure, Star Twinkle Precure, and Healing Good Precure. These are my teammates; Pink, Bianca, Mac, Stella, Noelle, Chelsea, Max, Blake, Purple, Kevin, X, Olivia, Grey, Grayn, and Ava. It's nice to meet you!

Cures: ...

Shauna: what?

Cures: ...

Cut! Nicely done. Girls, you have next line.

Cures: Yeah...


Nagisa: so......... we have to quickly do the parade.... just to get ambushed?

Karen: looks like it.

Shauna: that must suck.

Max: we're in it too...

Shauna: man......

Karen: wait..... so I hiss and we transform?


Karen: ok.... just double checking.


Muse: so.......... most of the chapter is us transforming and waiting for the pokemon precure to transform... right?



Max: so I have to stand there and scream.

Purple: you're the only one that can do it.

Max: Yeah....


Sorry StarletNikes for the short chapter. There wasn't much context to work with.

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