Absolut Vodka

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As the zombie apocalypse started Nikolai always needed his vodka with him.

Vodka was his lifesaver. When he would go through hard times vodka was there for him, it also helped him to heal faster.

Always when he had a zombie killing mission he talked about his beloved vodka and he couldn't wait to see it again

When he only thought about his beloved vodka he would blush. Vodka also gave him motivation in his missions

He even gave the vodka a gender because he treated vodka like it was a living person.

Most of his teammates like takeo or dempsey didnt like him much because he always talked about his beautiful amazing good vodka.

If you didnt get it yet, nikolai is russian and you think now wow stereotype but no...this vodka was special and noone else could replace it/her.

The only person nikolai likes is richtofen, hes german and has a weird accent but he likes him because of his psychotic laughter and because he accepts how he always talks about vodka.

Richtofen actually can speak normal english with normal accent but he does it to tease me. So i always call him Hichtofen because i like that name more but he doesnt. I always ask me why i only do him a favor with it.

Hichtofen, Takeo, Dempsey, Nikolai and vodka on the table were sitting in the great room as the commander came in and chose two people to go on a zombie mission on a place called "Zetsubou No Shima"

And he chose...

To be continued....

Nikolai x vodka (black ops III)Where stories live. Discover now