Welcome to Paris

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“That’s the last one!” Elena shouted as she heaved the last box into the car. I glanced around the empty dorm room. Four years had passed by in the blink of an eye. Where had my innocent, naïve youth gone? It was time for a new start in a new city. Paris here I come, I thought.

            “Hey we need to get a move on if we want to make it to Paris by nightfall,” exclaimed Valentina.

            We all filed into the car. Valentina was elected to drive the first two hours, so Elena and I made ourselves comfortable in the backseat. I rested my head on the cool window pane, and dozed off.

                                    ****IN DREAM****

            We were all on the Eiffel Tower, chatting and gazing at the lovely view. Our conversation was the usual.

Valentina: “OMG so today at work I was assigned this mission to assassinate this French bad guy and I’m going undercover!”

Elena: “Isn’t this stuff supposed to be, like, a secret?”

Valentina: “Oh YA! I totally forgot! Hahaha!”

Honor: *Face palms*

            Oh man, Valentina is quite a character. She always has something to say. Her comebacks always leave someone saying, “Oh girl that did not just happen.” She can watch a whole season of a TV show in less than 48 hours. She has dirty blonde hair is constantly in a side ponytail. She works for the CIA under cover in Paris.

Elena on the other hand is a classic girl. She still doesn’t have an Instagram, and she calls her mom every morning and night to check in. That doesn’t mean she can’t have fun like everyone else though. She is a model for famous fashion brands, is tan, and has long light brown hair.  She has practically all of the celebrities’ numbers in her contacts, which is really handy when we make prank calls.

I can only explain myself as hyper, happy, and hilarious… I hope.  I love to make people of laugh. I work as an assistant at a modeling agency, the same one Elena works at. I have shoulder length light brown hair and huge leg muscles form my years of cheerleading.

How did we all meet? Great question. We all went to Oxford and stayed in the same dorm. Although we were not roommates, we instantly became best friends. Elena and I had some model business classes together and Valentina and I went to the gym every Monday night. I don’t know how I would have made it through college without them. We shared all of our secrets and nothing came between us. Now we all had our dream jobs in Paris and were going to move in together in a small apartment in Paris.


“Honor… wakey wakey!” Elena shook me from my sleep, “We’re here.”

“Already? Why didn’t you wake me to drive?” I slowly raised by head.

I looked around and took in a breath. We were in Paris! The apartments looked so cute all lined one by one, each building a different color. Dusk was beginning to fall and a beautiful sunset took over the horizon.

“Ours is the pink one!” exclaimed Elena.

“Pink Paradise!” I blurted out. Hence, our apartment had been named, Pink Paradise.

“We need to take all of these boxes to our room by nightfall,” groaned Valentina, looking up at the 18th floor where we resided.

“Welcome to Paris. We can help you with that,” said an unfamiliar voice from behind me. I whipped my head around, to where the manly voice had come from. Two guys around our age stood looking at the mess of boxes in our car. The first one, had brown hair and a cute smirk. The second had shaggy long brown hair, hipster glasses, and stubble all over his chin. They were both hot and swoon worthy.

            “Of course you can help us. What are your names?” I asked.

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