Café Amour

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            One Sunday, Elena, Valentina, and I were all lazily lounging in what now was beginning to look like an apartment.

            “Guys I think we should meet up with Dylan and Mathew today for lunch,” Valentina said. We had seen them occasionally on the street, and waved hello, but hadn’t officially gone out anywhere yet. “I heard about some cute café called Café Amour. Maybe we could go there.”

            “Yeah but we don’t have their numbers. I am not going to show up at their apartment like a stalker. We’ve already watched them through our window and from behind bushes. Thanks, but no thanks,” I joked.

            Elena saved the day, “Hey well I have all celebrities numbers in my phone. They’re celebrities right? I have them. Aren’t you lucky to have such a good friend like me?’

            “Noooooo,” said Valentina sarcastically.

            “Yes! You are a life saver. Hand over the phone ASAP!” I exclaimed.

            Thirty minutes later, I sat on a cozy sofa with a sweet cup of hot chocolate in my hand. I never grew out of my childish hating coffee faze. Strangely, Dylan and Mathew sat on either side of me. Elena was giving me strange looks from the lounge chair across me and Valentina was giving me the “do not even touch one of them they’re mine” look. Disregarding both of them, I scooted closer to Mathew then Dylan moved closer to me. ‘Three peas in a pod,’ I thought. I knew I was playing with fire, but they were both hot, so it couldn’t hurt.

Valentina: *Clearing her throat* “So, what have y’all been up to?”

Dylan: “We’ve been super busy on set, but in a couple months when we are finished filming Mathew and I are staying in Paris for a bit. We decided that Paris is pretty cool and we like the place we are staying.”

Mathew: “And we have some pretty nice friends to keep us company.”

Elena: “Are we pretty and nice or just pretty nice?”

            After an awkward silence I changed the subject by talking about their movie. The boys were both still very close- almost to the point of cuddling- and it hit me. I shouldn’t be comfortable with two men on either side. I need to be a one man woman. So then and there I realized I would have to choose. And it would not be easy. Suddenly, a young man walked up to the table. He looked to be about 25.

            “Mathew is that you?! And Dylan! Wow, what are you guys doing here?” the man asked.

            “Ian? Hey bro! What brings you here?” Dylan said, standing up to give ‘Ian’ one of those ridiculous man hugs/handshakes.

            Ian was again, pretty hot. Gosh, why was everyone so hot in Paris? He wasn’t exactly my type though. But I could tell, Elena was head over heels. He had black hair and striking blue eyes. He introduced himself as Ian Somerhalder, and he was another actor working on the movie with Dylan and Mathew. Go figures. We invited him to chat with us, so he pulled up a chair. We all hung out for hours, talking and laughing. Valentina made some stupid pun/jokes like always, then she had to go to training. When twilight came, Elena and I said goodbye, and walked home together (minus Ian who didn’t live near us.)

            When we reached the apartment, Elena rushed up because she needed to pee. “Too much coffee,” she said. Dylan was far ahead so it was just Mathew and I. By then I was pretty sure I had made my decision.

            “Well, it was so nice spending time with you. I hope I can see you again,” I decided to go out on a limb, “maybe spend some time one on one?”

            “Like a date?” he asked.

            “Uh, yeah. If you want to,” I quietly muttered. I shouldn’t have asked. He wouldn’t want to go.

            “Of course! Maybe we can go see a movie or something soon. Goodnight Honor.”

            As I started to turn around Mathew leaned over as he softly kissed my lips.

“Sweet dreams,” he said, and walked away. 

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