Adventures in the Bushes

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            “OHMEGAWD! Those were the two hottest boys I have ever seen!” exclaimed Valentina.

            “I know right!? Oh man I want some of that steamy hotness,” I said.

            “DIBS,” Valentina yelled. Ugh I hate when she does that. You can’t call dibs on true love. Or more like true hotness.

                        I surveyed the mess in our apartment. Items littered the floor, and cardboard was stacked in a corner. Our apartment had pearly white walls and wooden floor. We were going to go for a cozy theme but so far our apartment looked like a pig sty. All of us had our own rooms, but each one was tiny. My room just had an air mattress and some books stacked on the floor. As I pumped up the mattress, I nearly dozed off. Those last few hours had been very eventful.

            The first boys’ name who had brown swooshed up hair and the cutest smirk was named Dylan O’Brien. He looked familiar at first, but then he said he was an actor, and everything clicked. He was in the Internship, Teen Wolf, and The Maze Runner! I used to be obsessed with him. I tried to play it cool though and act like I had never heard of him, so he would think I’m some obsessed fan. The second boy was named Mathew Gubler. He had the “rough” look going on. Stubby hair on his jaw, and shaggy tresses made him look amazing. The funny thing is, Valentina already seemed to know him. When she first saw him, she nearly dropped the box she was holding. Apparently he was in some show called “Criminal Minds,” or something like that. They were both in Paris for an action movie they were working on.

            We spent the night lugging boxes from our car to our top floor apartment. What a great day for the elevator to break (sarcasm). When the last box was up, we all collapsed on the ground. We chatted for a while and said our goodbyes.

            “By the way we are in the light blue apartment building right next to you, apartment 6B,” revealed Mathew.

            “Really? Cool! Maybe all of us can meet up some time. I heard Paris had some great places to eat. We can eat some escargot or drink Coke with no ice,” I exclaimed.

            “Great,” Dylan said as he waved bye and left with Mathew. I know it sounds creepy, but we all watched them walk outside to their apartment. Hey, they were that hot.

            The next morning we went out, because we had no food. Keep in mind I looked like complete crap since I had just awoken. All we had was a map (in English thankfully) and we were just going around trying to find a small breakfast café. Suddenly I heard familiar voices. Oh no not now, not here, and not with me looking like this. I grabbed Elena and Valentina’s hand and dived behind some nearby bushes.

            “What the heck Honor what are you-” Valentina was cut off by me putting my hand over her mouth. Peering through the bushes I watched Mathew and Dylan walk past.

            “That’s why,” I whispered.

            “This is stupid! I don’t care if they see me like this. I look fine,” exclaimed Valentina a little too loudly.

            Elena and I froze when we heard Dylan, “Did you hear that? It sounded like the bushes were talking!”

            “Dude it was probably some animal. Bushes don’t talk. Come on let’s go get some food,” Mathew told Dylan as they walked away.

            I let out my breath. We would be so screwed if they caught us watching them in the bushes, “Val, do you need a mirror? Honey you do not want to be seen like this. We almost got caught!”

            “Whatever, I need to go to work. Training day one, yippee!” Valentina said sarcastically.

            “They’re gone. Let’s get some chow. I’m craving bacon,” Elena said as she picked twigs out of her hair. We all giggled as we climbed from the bushes. Paris was going to be a fabulous adventure. 

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