Triple Dates

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            The next morning (or afternoon) I awoke with a smile on my face. Mathew Gray Gubler had kissed me. I had butterflies in my stomach every time I thought about it. I wanted to call him, but I didn’t want to be a clingy. Was I his girlfriend now? Probably not, all he did was kiss me and said he would go on a date with me. I couldn’t let our relationship get in the way of our friendship. Ugh, I should just stop worrying about it and get some breakfast.

Valentina: “You seem happy this morning. Good morning sunshine. It’s two in the afternoon. You slept in late.”

Honor: “Yes. It’s a Saturday! What have you been doing?”

Elena: “Yeah, what happened to your shirt?”

(Referring to the large brown stain on Valentina’s shirt. She also was wearing some crazy looking disguise.)

Valentina: “It’s a long story.”

Honor: “Okay, how did the training mission go?”

Valentina: “Some idiot spilled coffee all over me and I lost my freaking target.”

Elena: “First off, did you hurt the person who spilled coffee on you? And secondly, you will do better next time.”

Valentina: “No, I didn’t hurt him, but I wanted to.”

Honor: “Oooh a him! Was he cute??”

Valentina: “Maybe a little… but he was a jerk. Plus, Dylan and Mathew are way hotter.”

Honor: “Oh well I’ve got some news for y’all! Last night I was alone with Mathew…”

Elena: “And?”

Honor: “Well… We are going to go on a date! I decided that I really like him.” (I left the kissing part out. Some things should stay private.)

Elena and Valentina: “OMG!”

Valentina: “Then Dylan is mine. Peace out broskis, I’m gonna go change out of this ridiculous disguise.”

            The next day, we were all eating Chinese take out, and Elena broke some news.

            “Ian asked me out guys! We have been texting like crazy lately, and today we met at Café Amour, and he asked me out! I know it sounds super cheesy, but he gave me flowers.”

            “Awwww, that’s so romantic!” I cooed.

            “We can go on triple dates!” squealed Elena.

Valentina then proceeded to tell us about her date later tonight with Dylan. Elena and I offered her a makeover, and surprisingly, she accepted! We primped, pruned, and pulled at her for two hours, until finally we saw the finished Valentina 2.0.

“Wow,” said Elena softly.

“You look HOT!” I said.

Long soft curls cascaded down her back. She wore high heeled boots, jeans, a cute top, and an infinity scarf. I was proud, we had done a good job. Elena and I looked at each other and high fived. Once Valentina left, we ordered pizza and put on a movie.

“Hey let’s have Ian and Mathew over! They probably aren’t doing anything right now anyways,” Elena suggested.

Ten minutes later Mathew was snuggled up under a blanket next to me, and Ian had his arm around Elena. I honestly don’t think anyone was paying much attention to the movie playing…

            As the movie ended Dylan and Valentina walked in. We all said our goodbyes and once the boys left, we went to bed. That was the end of a pretty sweet day. 

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