A Feline Tofu

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Author's note:This is a small idea I had in my
mind,so might as well write it out!
Aether has just freed Dvalin as he slowly sets off from Monstadt to Liyue in search of his sister.He goes through Dihua Marsh and ends up in Wangshu Inn.There,he decides that it would be a good place to stay for the night.

Aether's POV
I took the elevator up and met a lady called Verr Goldet.I asked if I could stay for the night and she said yes but under one circumstance.She requested me to help deliver a dish of almond tofu to the top floor.So of course I did as it really wasn't too big of a deal.

As I walked up the stairs ,I kept thinking why would anyone live on the roof.In a few seconds,I arrived .I looked around and there,I saw a shadow of a person.I called for them.He turned around and once I saw his face,I was shocked of how handsome he was.

I think I stuttered when I handed the almond tofu to him.He thanked me and asked me if I wanted to try some.Well of course I said yes!His voice was the most beautiful voice I've ever heard in my life.How can I resist anything!

Xiao's POV
I turned around and took the almond tofu.As I looked him in the eye,I asked for his name and told him mine.He was so adorable.He had gold eyes and blonde hair in a braid.Out of impulsiveness ,I asked if he wanted some of it.After I realised what I said I immediately regretted it.Who would ask a stranger to eat with them?I felt so stupid as I heard yes as a reply.I looked at him and we sat down on the roof.

Aether's POV
Xiao handed me the spoon as I began to scoop in the tofu.I took a bite and...oh my goodness it tasted like heaven!I quickly devoured the whole tofu without realising.When I finished,I looked at Xiao ashamed.He told me he would go down to order another one as he immediately teleported down.

I sat there regretting my life choices and suddenly,my head and my back felt funny.I reached my hands to touch my head as I felt something soft and furry.I was so confused so I reached for my back.I turned around and saw a furry long tail hanging from behind.I was shocked!What was happening to me?

Xiao's POV
I went down to buy one more dish of almond tofu as Verr Goldet stared at me confused.I asked her "What."and she didn't tell me.She gave my almond tofu then I left.

I teleported in front of Aether and saw him looking to his behind.I walked over there and what I saw shocked me.

Aether had a pair of cat ears and a cat tail.I almost couldn't breathe.He was cute enough already.I guess I know what Verr Goldet what thinking now.She was expecting me to look like this?

In my moment of thought,Aether noticed me and he had a shocked expression too.I couldn't resist my instinct to pat him.I raised my hand and put it on his head to gently pat him.I could hear him purr softly.Something was rising and I couldn't stop it.I felt like I did something bad so I decided to carry him back to his room and put him on his bed then left as I don't know if I can hold it anymore.I thought of him the whole night then to the next day.

Aether's POV
I noticed Xiao in front of me.He couldn't see me like this!Then suddenly,he started to pat me.It felt so good for some reason.I started purring uncontrollably.I don't know why but then he carried me bridal style to my room.I felt soooo embarrassed.
He closed the door and put me on the bed then teleported away.Did I do something wrong?I thought of his sweet voice and I drifted to sleep.I believe we  would have a very special relationship!

Author's notes
I'm so sorry for how trashy my writing is.I will try to improve it by writing more!Thank you for reading this one shot.Feel free to comment!

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