A Little Punishment

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Author's note:I know my writing is bad and all but I'm trying to experiment on new things hehe...
Aether wakes up to soreness everywhere and realises he's being tied up.He doesn't remember anything from last night so he looks around his surroundings and finds himself still in his and Xiao's room. Without knowing what happened,he shouts out "Hello? Xiao?Why am I being tied up?"and he heard footsteps closer and closer.He was sure it belonged to Xiao as Xiao peeked his head through the door and said "Oh,sweetheart.It seems that you're awake."

Aether asked "Why did you tie me up?"
Xiao responded "I'm not letting you go unless you know what you did."

Aether tried giving Xiao the puppy eyes but it didn't work.Though it seems like Xiao was emotionally swayed a little.Aether tries to beg him to untie him but Xiao stood his ground.Aether eventually gave up and starts to guess what he did wrong.

Aether asked "What is something I did last night?" Xiao replied "Yes."
Aether said "But I don't even remember what I did last night,I only remember calling Lumine to ask her when I should go to her home." "Oh so I should've went to Lumine's home!" "And drank some alcohol?"
Xiao said "Indeed."
Aether said "But that's it right?"
Xiao replied "You forgot about something."
Aether asked "What is it?"
Xiao said "You didn't even text me that you went out!I had no idea!Nobody sent me a text or a call of where you were!I was so scared something happened to you!Plus when I finally found you at Lumine's house you were all knocked out and I barged in just to carry you back here!"
Aether replied "Xiao,calm down!Well nothing's wrong now right?I'm really sorry that I forgot to remind you so I promise I would never do that again."
Xiao said "Yeah that's what I thought.So in order for you to learn your little lesson, I'm gonna have a punishment for you."

Aether was quite shocked and scared at this statement as he quietly asked "What is it?"

Xiao replied by "You will not leave this room for the whole day and you'll see what I'm gonna be doing to you."

Aether let's his thoughts run lose and he thinks of all the possibilities.Most of them are quite lewd.Xiao begins to take his shirt off and both of them could see they both were hard by now.The had one hell of a day and by the end of the night,Aether's body felt even more sore than he did during morning.

Well that's it!I wanted to ask if you guys wanted me to write lemons or edit and finish the lemon of this chapter.Thank you for reading and I'll see u in the next chapter!

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