Jean carnival

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My stomach remains flat,I still maintain my pretence with my roommates,joking,going out and just vibing,other times I was victors girlfriend,how I was smiling and being cheerful when my entire life had crumbled I don't know.

Victor kept encouraging me,he says we can keep the baby,he's almost done with school and we'll be fine,I believe him even though I've this strong hate for him somewhere inside he's trying to be there and make things right.

2nd semester exams came,I knew I'd been a little distracted,but I gave it my best shot,exams lasted two weeks, final year parties where going on all around school,tessa and my roommates cajoled me into going to one of those parties,a jean carnival...

It was quite a large gathering at social science,there was music and games,I needed this...
my girls and I just sit in a corner and observe,well until tessa runs after a man.

"na man go kill tessa sha" Jane scoffed
we all burst out laughing

And then we heard it,2 gunshots,just like that the whole place scattered,it became a sea of blue jeans running helter skelter.

I ran too,adrenaline cursing through my veins,it was almost a stampede,I had gone a safe distance from the shooting,I look back for my friends but they're nowhere to be found,I pray silently for their safety,I don't watch where I'm going and I kick my leg on a rock along june 12 road...I stumble and fall rolling over a few times,the road was quite steep,I found myself on the ground.

So much for jean carnival I say to myself,my clothes were stained,I tried getting up and that's when I felt it...blood was seeping through my jeans,I panicked,i saw three people walking down the road.

"help me"! I screamed

I feel pain all over my lower abdomen I clutch it and scream again

"help me please!"

tears had gathered in my eyes
they seemed to hear me because they start running down.
I was getting really dizzy

"oh my God nora!" I heard one of them say
I am being carried,but I loose consciousness after that and find myself in the hospital.

My roommates were all here,victor was holding my hand and they were all sleeping .

"who knew you guys cared about me this much" I voice out after watching them for awhile,more like I croaked out really.

Their eyes snap open.

"thank God",celine says holding her chest

tessa runs out to go call the doctor.

"are you okay?" victor asks

"water" I croak

Mia was already on it,she gives me water with a straw and I sip from it,they all crowd my bed,the doctor walks in.

"how are you feeling" he asks

"like my intestines are disconnecting" I reply.

"well you took a pretty nasty fall,and as a result,we couldn't save the pregnancy,I'm sorry" he looked remorseful.

My roommates were all looking at me now,mercy came to hold my other hand.

"she needs rest,but other than that she's fine then the doctor walks out"

I tear up,Victor is cleaning my tears.

"why didn't you tell us"my bunkie asked

"I freaked out" I sniff
"I didn't know what to do" I added

"who found me?"I ask

"Alex and I found you" Anita said
"my coursemate was with us so he carried you till we found a cab"

"thank him for me"I say

she nods "we were just so worried"

"it's fine,I'm okay now" I assured them

They each take turn to hug me and leave the room,leaving Victor and I alone
"I'm really sorry for everything Nora"...he starts to apologize

"its fine" I squeezed his hands
he pecks my lips
"I love you"
I smile,but I don't say it back.

I spent a few days in the hospital,since exams were over I decided to go home,my roommates helped me pack,and Victor insists on taking me to the bus station.

"This holiday is gonna be long,would you be okay?" he asks for the umpteenth time

"yeah I'll be fine,don't worry" I give my usual response

we hug,I wave him and enter the bus.
I kept thinking about everything that happened,yes I didn't plan for the baby,but it still hurts to loose,tears fall from my face, I wipe them away,and as usual I pick the window sit.I get to Ekpoma in the afternoon.

1 thousand fucking reads!!!!
WTF! My baby has 1k reads
thank you sooo much,for staying and supporting me and my baby,you've truly made this girl happy.
A few months back I was thanking you for 100 reads,omo I'm speechless
also,it's a little bit daunting to have 1k reads and not even up to 500 votes,I know ghosts don't read my story,so why aren't you voting for my book,it would mean alot to me,just tap the small orange star on chapters you've not voted for,thank you♥️

Please note:my baby is drawing to a close,and after we publish the last chapter,she'll be going through some heavy editing,I'm human and I'm also aware that they are tons of grammatical errors,bear with me.

please follow my blog,link in my bio.

sincerely grateful for your support.

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