catch them young(CTY)

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It has been a whole month now,I was getting the hang of this university thing,or was I??

well things were okay with the classes,but outside class,not so much,osaretin was fastly becoming a gigantic pain in my arse,and that's saying something because I don't have any in the first place.

so,there was this thing going on in school,whenever someone found out you were a fresher,there's this look they give you and i am still trying to understand what it means,it comes more from the guys than the girls though.

And don't even get me started on the religious people,God! freshers are like fishes to them,they are all hunting for freshers to join their fellowship,its crazy,they go out of their way to help,free accommodation,free clearance,well too bad i already did those,don't get me wrong though,my parents believe in going to church,but I just couldn't help but wonder if there's more to all that.

classes were more serious now,mercy had found an apartment off campus BDPA 25th street a bit far,but she was getting tired to coming from home,back at the hostel,I wouldn't say I was exactly still used to all the bom bom and breast there,but I was surviving.

I was lying in my bed reading when my phone rang,I rolled my eyes,it was osaretin,damm I hate being nice sometimes.

"hello nora what's up"?

the sky??

"Am okay,you?"

"fine o,am at the front of your hostel,can you come down?"

"No,am reading"

"ha ha nau,I wont take much of your time,I promise I just want to see your face" he pleaded

"but why?whats on my face?"

"nora abeg na"

"fine,10 minutes and that's it"

"thank you"

"I'll be down in 5",then I hung up

"ha ha! nora who you just dae bullshit like this" anita asked me from her bunk

"na one hot cake wey dae our class o,nora just dae misbehave",tessa answered for me

"hanty vorluguwe(wor-loor-goor-wei),why you dae do the guy like this?" celine asked

"laowowo"(la-o-wo-wo),I said smiling,"I just don't like him that way,he needs to get it"

"e get money?" Jane asked,she was the new girl,200l medicine and surgery,and mehn did she act like it! I think she comes from a wealthy family,and she's very pretty too,she has it all

"I nor know sha" I answered

"e get jor,he's tush and even uses an iPhone",tessa said

"abegi na by IPhone??" Alex added while her bunkie Mia just laughed at us

"help me ask tessa o",I just laughed I put on a shirt and left my shorts on,they were quite long,I asked tessa to go with me,when we got down,he waved us over.

you see my hostel,Hall 2 had something like a car park in front,and some round cemented chairs,well most of the time,it was always couples or aspiring couples that were usually seen around there,most of the girls stay either in my hostel,or Hall 1,well the place was given the name HALL 2 CAR PARK,or for the love crazed ones HALL 2 LOVE GARDEN

As usual you could already see few pairs of lovey dovey people sitting around,and letting thier hands wander,in the open too might I add!

anyways tessa soon eloped with a guy she said was in her department ike,she's such a reliable friend,(note the sarcasm)

osas wanted to get me something to eat,but I declined

"babe how long would you keep pushing me away" osas started

"I don't understand?"

"my feelings for you are quite obvious,please give me a chance"

"osaretin,let's just get straight to it,I don't date,so I think you should let it be,because I can't give you a chance,but I do think we'd be great friends though"

"nora...please don't do this"

"soon osas you'd appreciate my honesty"

"okay,but please think about it"

"sure,but let's be friends at least"

I doubted if my decision would change,but he seems pretty adamant on me thinking about it

And he's 24,according to him he has struggled to gain admission for years now,I admire his zeal and focus,I told him so too

"well,I've to get going now,tessa has followed man,I'll see you when I see you",I said to osas laughing

"alright,can I get a hug at least"

urrrgh!,these boys,

fine,I moved to give him a quick side hug,but my guy being the boy that he's turned matter on top my head, he turned and I ended up hugging his chest,and he made sure the hug lasted more than I would have wished..urrgh!

when the hug broke,he gave me a full toothed grin, the nerve!

my friend close your mouth jor!

I waved him goodbye and went back inside to my hostel,I hope he got what I told him sha...JUST FRIENDS, because if he pushes his luck I will shun him completely

I went in to make Eba and  egusi soup,stop asking if it was sweet I sabi cook!

Vorluguwe(bini):what is wrong with you?
turned matter on top my head(pidgin)(slang):did the unexpected
Eba and egusi soup: a Nigerian delicacy
I sabi cook(pidgin): I know how to cook!

first update for the week😋
my head is about combusting from the numerous things I'm involved in during this lockdown🤧
I still find time to update INDEPENDENCE
so am begging you,ehjor,laowowo,encourage me by voting and commenting
stay safe and read INDEPENDENCE


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