uh kam angst bc lizzolizzolizzo is apparently a masochist and sadist

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this was originally gonna be an actual story but i wrote a poem instead so yeah. it's from tam to keefe.

you were my love
my everything
i loved you
but here's the thing

you can't just do that
you didn't tell me
and it killed her
why can't you see

she was my sister
my other part
when she died
it split my heart

but the thing that hurts
you knew it would
you didn't think to tell me
but you knew it would

i thought you loved me
i loved you back
and you betrayed me
you made me crack

i lost my water
my linh, my life
she was my sister
and she took your knife

it should've been you
that died that night
you took her life
you stole my light

i don't care anymore
not after she died
i can't care anymore
not that i've tried

even though she's gone
she lives in my heart
she took your place
it's no longer your part

but the thing that hurts
you knew it would
you didn't think to tell me
but you knew it would

if anyone wants backstory i'll try to write it, i can't get on very often but i'll do what i can

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