Kaeya and Diluc - It's Over

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TRIGGER WARNING:  This chapter will mention suicide, alcohol abuse, vomiting, and blood.

Spoiler warning for:  Kaeya and Diluc's backstory.


~Diluc's POV~

Every time I see him, all I can think of is how much I hate him.  There is so much rage that I keep locked inside, but some day..  He will regret everything he has ever done.

When I look at his smug face, I remember holding my father's limp body in my arms.  His eyes losing the sweet and caring shine as he died.  The knights did nothing.  And they even hid the truth.  I'm so disgusted by the man I used to call my brother.  He's a traitor.  What good is he to anyone? 

And yet, even after I think all of this, I still miss what we had.  When we used to laugh and play together.  I just want to go back.  Although I hate him, he's all I have left besides the winery.  

I looked outside the window behind me, and saw the sun was no longer visible from where I was at.  He usually shows up to the bar by now.  

As if he had heard me, the man walked through my door, accompanied by Lumine and Paimon.  

"Kaeya, Lumine can't even drink!  Why would you drag us along?!"  Paimon whined to the blue haired knight.

Kaeya.  The man I hated so strongly, and yet wished we could still be as close as before.

"Just to have someone with me for a while.  Leave whenever you want, but drinks are on me!"  Kaeya chuckled, looking at me.  He had a look in his eyes, that looked angry and yet hopeful.

"What do you want?"  I spoke coldly, just wanting to get whatever drink he and Lumine needed.  No conversation was necessary.

"Ah, ah~"  Kaeya shook his finger.  "Now, I expected a nice:  'Hello, how are you all doing tonight?', from the great Diluc Ragnvindr.  That was quite rude.  Especially with the Honorary Knight, Lumine, in our presence."

Lumine looked like she would rather be anywhere but the tavern.  "It's fine, really, don't worry about it."  She tried to calm the situation.

"Please just order something, I have other customers to attend to."  I sighed, feeling exhausted from him already.  "I don't have time to play your little games."

Paimon cleared their throat, and whispered something to Lumine, who then quickly said, "Oh my heavens!  I just remembered I still have some commissions to do over in Liyue.  I need to get going since it's already late.  I'm really sorry, Kaeya."

"No worries, Honorary Knight.  I'll see you some other time."  He waved goodbye to her and then turned back to me.  "I suppose I can talk to you as I drink."  

Oh wonderful.  I should not have come to the tavern to work tonight.  

"Give me your strongest, as usual."  He ordered, sitting at the counter.  "How's life been, Diluc?"  He spoke in a sickeningly sweet tone.  

"Enough with the chit-chat, I'm busy."  I continued making his drink, along with a couple other customers drinks.  "Can't you drink quietly?" 

Kaeya laughed.  "Quietly?  Oh, Diluc, were we not brothers back in the day?  Shouldn't you know me by now?"  

"Don't bring that shit up.  I'm ashamed to ever have seen you that way."  I glared at him, wiping off the counters.

"How harsh.  I'm just trying to be polite."  He downed his drink quickly, motioning for another one.

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