Eraserhead and Present Mic - Love You Forever

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SPOILER WARNING:  This will contain spoilers for BNHA

THIS IS NOT CANON (although yamada and aizawa need to get together asap) 

~Present Mic (Yamada) POV~

I sat in the rain, staring up at the sky.  It was rather chilly today, but I wanted to just sit out here and enjoy the rain.  

A door opened behind me, and a voice I recognized well called out, 

"Yamada, get inside!  It's storming, and I don't want you to get sick."  The voice spoke.

I looked over my shoulder to see my husband Aizawa standing in the doorway.  

"Alright, alright.."  I stood up, trying to wring out as much water from my shirt as I could.  Aizawa handed me a towel and closed the door behind me once I was inside.

"What were you even doing out there?"  He grabbed a blanket and sat on the couch.  He seemed to have just woken up from a nap before coming outside to get me.

I stood to think, but didn't have a reason that I could think of.  "I dunno honestly.."  I shrugged.  "I was just enjoying the weather I guess."  I kneeled down to pet our cat that we had adopted a while ago.  Her name was Chi.  Aizawa had been unable to leave her at the shop one day, so we adopted her.   Best decision we could have made.  I stood back up and went to our room to change clothes.  

"Hey, can you make some popcorn on your way back out?"  Aizawa called to me.  

"Yep!"  I smiled as I changed into dry clothes.  I stopped in the kitchen and made a bag of microwave popcorn. 

It was a day off for the two of us.  We were teachers at U.A High School.  Aizawa normally had training with a student named Hitoshi Shinso, but due to the rain, it was cancelled.  

I poured the popcorn into a bowl and went out to the couch, sitting next to Aizawa.  

"If you get a cold, I'm not covering your classes for you."  He mumbled as he ate some popcorn.  He was reading through the newspaper and checking up on any news about villains. 

"Aww.."  I sighed.  "I thought you loved me, Shota Aizawa!  My heart is broken!"  I spoke, dramatic enough that he would know I was just kidding.  Maybe too dramatic?  Nah, no such thing. 

"Sorry you had to find out this way."  He kept eating popcorn, completely unphased.  "Oh, by the way, you have a new student being added to your class.  You remember Hitoshi Shinso from the Sports Festival?  He got into the Hero Course, so he is going to be in both yours and my own class starting tomorrow."

I smiled.  "Wow, that's great!  All that training paid off, huh?"  I leaned my head on his shoulder,  He was warm, it was such a comforting feeling.

I loved this man so much.  We had gotten married a couple years ago.  Everyone has been super supportive of the two of us, and it's just been such a great start to our marriage.  We would have had our late friend, Oboro Shirakumo, would have been the best man at our wedding if he were still alive.  But it's still been going well.  Aizawa has opened up more, seeming like when he was still in school again.  

I was so worried back during the attack on U.S.J. earlier last year.  And when his class had been attacked at their training camp, and the whole situation with All For One.  I was afraid I would lose him.  I don't know what I would do with myself. 

I shouldn't be thinking about these things.  Aizawa is here with me, and I'm happy.  And he was so..

Cold?  Why is it cold?  I'm shivering.. 

I looked at Aizawa, and he looked back at me with a sad smile.

"It's time to wake up, Yamada."  He spoke, sounding quiet.

I shook my head.  "No, no, you can't go!"  I felt tears falling on my cheeks.  "Please, I need you!"  I sobbed, reaching towards him, but unable to grab him.

"I'll see you again sometime.."  Aizawa began to fade away, and I could only watch.  "I will love you forever."  And just like that, he was gone.

I sat up quickly, feeling raindrops falling on me.  My clothes were soaked and I had mud all over myself.  I tried to wipe the tears away from my face, but there was too much rain to do any good.  I looked at my surroundings, and saw grass with muddy puddles forming.  

And directly in front of me was a gravestone.  And I remembered everything once again.

Years ago when Aizawa, Oboro, and I were high schoolers, they were attacked by a villain.  Oboro was killed at the scene by a falling building.  Aizawa was brought to the hospital in critical condition due to damage from the same building.  I was there with him during his last day.  I talked all about our future plans.  We were dating at the time, and planned on getting married.  He wanted a cat named Chi.  Oboro would've been our best man.  We would've even adopted a child.  

Aizawa asked me to become a teacher at U.A for him, like Oboro had suggested he do.  So I did.  I even took Hitoshi Shinso on and trained him.  I know Aizawa would've loved the kid.  The class he would've had is so much stronger than he could've imagined.  I wish he could be here to see the future generation we are preparing.

I looked at Aizawa's grave, wiping some mud off the side of it and just staring at the words.  I still couldn't believe he was gone.  I wish I had been there, I could have done something to save both of my friends.  

All of our dreams that we had.  They were all gone.  I didn't know if I could ever love someone else.  Aizawa was special to me.  So special.  

I stood up, water dripping off of my soaked clothes, and looked at his grave that was placed next to Oboro's.  My two closest friends..  Buried next to each other.  It was never something I thought would happen.  

I looked at the spot where my lover was buried, and smiled sadly. 

"I will love you forever.."  I whispered to him, hoping he could hear me. 

Goodbye for now, Aizawa.. 

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