Jean and Lisa - Till Death Do Us Part

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Spoiler Warning: This contains spoilers for Lisa's backstory from Genshin Impact

Trigger Warning:  This mentions blood multiple times.


~Lisa POV~

I was in the library all morning today.  Those books were so dusty, I was still coughing.  My chest hurt so bad as I coughed, covering my mouth with my hand.  As I moved my hand away from my mouth, I saw the once perfect white glove covered with blood.  

I was running out of time.  

I heard the door open behind me so I quickly hid my hand, and turned to see the Acting Grand Master, Jean.  We were dating, and had been for a little over a year now.  

Jean smiled at me.  "Good news!  The amount of hilichurls and slimes surrounding Mondstadt has gone down!  We can now send out those knights to other areas that need more assistance."  She sat down at her desk.  

"That's wonderful!  Are you going to be assisting in any fighting at all?"  I took off my gloves, putting them in my pocket, and then going back to organizing Jean's bookcase.  

She looked through some papers that were at her desk.  "No, not right now.  If they need me, I told them to let me know, but I have so much paper work to get done."  She looked a bit guilty for not being out and helping.  

I walked over to here and kissed her cheek softly.  "Hey, you just do what you can okay?  You're overworked as it is.  If they need it, I could even go out to help."  I smiled at her, rubbing her shoulders gently.  "Besides, they have Kaeya right?" 

Jean nodded.  "Yes, I had Kaeya go out to assist."

"So they'll be just fine.  Lumine could help out too if she has time.  Although I know she is still trying to find her brother."  I adjusted Jean's ponytail a bit and smoothed out any frizziness I found.  While doing so, I coughed, so I covered my mouth once again.  There was a bit of blood, but not too much.  

Jean paused and then turned to look at me.  "Where are your gloves?  You never go without them.  And why are you coughing so much?  Are you sick?"  

I started walking back to the book case.  "I took them off earlier.  The books in the library are so dusty.  My gloves were dirty and I probably breathed in too much stuff."  I wiped my hand off on my clothes, trying to make it unnoticeable. 

She sighed.  "Have someone else do the library book dusting, please..  Your health is already poor enough, I don't want you.. getting more sick."  She put some papers away and continued signing some others. 

"Of course, my love."  I smiled at her.  

She knew about my shortened life span, and was constantly worried about my health.  I knew I didn't have much time left, but I didn't know how to tell her. 

"Do you have time to take a day off?"  I spoke, putting away books in alphabetical order.  Somehow, they always ended up messy again.

Jean thought for a moment.  "Hmm..  I think so.  If I get all this paperwork done today, I can take a break tomorrow.  Why?" 

"I just want to spend some time with you.  Why don't we go out tonight maybe?"  I was never sure if I would wake up again the next day, and especially not now.  With the blood I was coughing up, I was afraid I wouldn't make it to the end of the week.

"Out where?"  Jean asked curiously. 

I shrugged.  "Maybe on a walk.  We could go up to the Statue of the Seven by the tree.  It's always nice up there."  I smiled at her.

Jean nodded.  "I would love to.  Some fresh air and time alone with you is exactly what I need."  She looked at the thick stack of papers in front of her.  "This should only take me a few more hours, and then we can go."

"I'll be waiting for you, my love."  I walked over, giving her a kiss on the cheek once more, and then left the office.  There was no way I could go out with the gloves in my pocket, so I went to my place to change.  I also spent some time drinking some tea to try and help my coughing,  However, I realized it wasn't the dust causing it.  It was hard to breathe now.  I wasn't coughing so much, but my chest felt tight and it was like I could never get enough air in each breath. 

I sat in my room, thinking of everything I would miss out on.  

"Lisa, enough feeling sorry for yourself."  I spoke to myself.  "You are going to have a great time out with Jean, and if you wake up tomorrow, then that's wonderful.  More time with you're girlfriend.  If you don't wake up tomorrow, then at least I was able to spend time with her tonight."  I looked at myself in the mirror.

There was a knock at my front door, so I quickly answered it to find Jean there.

"I'm sorry if it took too long, are you still wanting to go?"  She smiled.

It was evening now, and the sun had just begun to set. 

"Of course I want to go.  Any time spent with you is the best."  I took her hand carefully, and we walked up to the Statue of the Seven.

We sat underneath the tree, talking and laughing about our days.  A couple hours later, it was dark, and our only lighting was the stars and moon.  It was such a comforting feeling.

But our peace and quiet was ruined by a group of Fatui who surrounded us. 

Jean stood up.  "Lisa, stay put.  I'll handle this."

I stood up as well.  "At least let me support a bit.  I'm still strong enough."  I smiled at her.

She sighed.  "Fine.  Just please don't over do it."  

As I helped support Jean, I felt my heart pounding.  What is this feeling?  It wasn't the same type of feeling I get when I'm with Jean.  

As the last Fatui ran away, Jean put her sword away.  She turned around to look at me.  But I could no longer stand.  I fell over, hands and knees on the ground as I coughed.  Blood spilled out of my mouth and I choked as I tried to get air.  

Jean stared in horror before rushing to my side.  "No, Lisa, what's happening?!"  She cried out.  She moved me to the Statue of the Seven, hoping and praying that the Gods could heal me.  

As I sat, gasping for air, and trying to speak to Jean, she sobbed. 

"I need to get you to a medic!"  She picked me up, carrying me as gently as she could while rushing back to town.  

I finally was able to speak again.  "J-Jean..  There's no point..  My time is up..  Please, just spend my last few minutes here.. with me.." 

Jean looked at the bridge to town that wasn't too far ahead.  She hesitated, but knew deep down that there was nothing anyone could do.  She laid me down in the grass, laying my head in her lap.  I looked up at the beautiful woman that I loved so dearly.  I was so grateful to be able to pass away while laying here with her.  

"I'm sorry.."  Jean wiped her tears away, trying to stop crying.  "I don't want your last few minutes to be watching me cry."

I shook my head, looking at her tear stained face.  "You're so beautiful.  I was really blessed to have you."  I was weak and tired.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  "I want to just be here with you forever.  I don't want to leave you."  I spoke, almost in a whisper.  

Jean caressed my cheek, wiping blood away from my face.  "I promise I'll be here with you.  I love you so much, Lisa.  I know we will meet again some day in the future."  Her breaths were shaky as she tried not to cry.

"I love you.. So much, Jean..  Don't overwork yourself.  Just imagine me scolding you every time you get too tired.  And tell Klee that I'm sorry we couldn't go out flower picking.."  I choked after finishing my sentence.  "I'm so tired.."  I mumbled.  My eyes were closing.

All I could feel was warmth coming from Jean's body.  It was so nice, and it made my heart feel happy.  

I heard Jean speaking, but I couldn't understand it.  It was all echoes, as I finally drifted away.  

Farewell my beloved Jean.  

I'm afraid that this is where we part..

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