Bennett, Razor, and Fischl - Bennet's Adventure Team

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~Bennett's POV~

I was so happy lately.  I had met a couple people who were willing to join my adventure team.

Razor was from Wolvendom.  Super cool guy, and he was really powerful too!

And Fischl was from.. somewhere?  She was a princess though!  I loved talking to her, and her cool bird partner, Oz!

They were my best friends.

And they didn't mind the bad luck either!  

As I walked up to the meeting spot, I saw Razor approaching with Fischl behind.

"Hey guys!  So what did you wanna do today?"  I smiled at the two of them.

Razor excitedly spoke.  "Hunt!  Razor wants meat!  And potatoes!"

"I wish to go on an adventure worthy enough for a princess."  Fischl looked around at the area.

I nodded.  "How about we go hunting, and then we can go an a fun adventure to find treasure!"  I tried to fit something to both of them.  "There's some good hunting areas over by Springvale, and then I know there are some great treasure hunting places on the way to Liyue!"

Razor and Fischl agreed, so we set out.

Hunting was great.  Sort of.  A lot of the boars ran away, but Fischl was able to shoot down some birds.  That satisfied Razor enough.  I also gave him some potatoes.  I always keep them in my bag now.

After we ate a nice meal, we set out towards Liyue.  We listened to Fischl's stories all the way there, until I finally saw the place.

"Ah!  There it is!"  I pointed up ahead to a stone area that looked like it might have once been a building.  "This place has tons of treasure chests!"  We ran over quickly, searching around.

"Razor found treasure!"  He yelled.  He then sniffed the air as Fischl and I ran over.  "Be careful.  Danger is nearby."  He looked around cautiously.

Fischl flipped her hair.  "Nothing I cannot handle, I am sure."

I shrugged.  "It's probably some hilichurls, Razor.  It'll be okay!"  I smiled.  "Now let's see what you found!"  

We searched the treasure, finding so many good materials and a good amount of money too.

"Wow!  Razor you really got lucky here!"  I grinned, helping put the stuff in bags.

All of a sudden, Fischl shrieked.  Razor and I turned around to see a Ruin Guard aiming at us.  It was too late to run.  

I covered my eyes as the explosions boomed loudly in front of me, the blast sending me flying.  I quickly attacked the machine, taking it down in a few hits.  Blood was dripping from my head.  I hit it pretty hard when I was sent flying.  I turned around, and saw Fischl and Razor on the ground.  Neither of them were moving.  I quickly ran to them, checking Fischl first.  I checked her breathing, starting to panic when I found nothing.  There was no pulse either.  I did the same to Razor, but he had no pulse.  No heartbeat.  I stood up.

"Guys..  Guys, this isn't funny!  Wake up!"  I screamed.  I pulled on my bloodstained hair, falling to my knees as my screams echoed through the stone pillars.  "Please!  Don't leave me!  You were all that I had!"  

Their bodies never moved.  It was a horrible sight to see.  I wanted to open my eyes and see them okay again.  But I couldn't stop seeing them.  My vision went black, and I felt myself hit the ground.

When I woke up, I was in the cathedral.  I looked around at the other beds in the room.  The only other person I saw was Barbara.

"Barbara, where are my partners?  Where are Fischl and Razor?"  I was getting choked up.  The image of their bodies kept showing in my head, but I just wanted it all to be a dream.  

Barbara fidgeted with her skirt.  "I.. Bennett..  I tried to help them..  But they were gone before I could arrive.  There was nothing anyone could have done."  She looked down.

I shook my head.  "You're a liar!  You're a liar and I hate you so much!  Why didn't you leave me to die?!"  I screamed at her.  

Barbara jumped at the screams.  "I can't leave people to die!  That's not what I do!"

I got out of bed, throwing a nearby book out of a window.  "They died because of me, so I deserved to die too!"  I sobbed, my voice getting hoarse because of all of my screaming.  

Jean rushed in.  "What's going on here?  Bennett, please sit down.  You are still injured."  She tried to grab me, but I ran around her, leaving the cathedral quickly.

I could barely see through my tears, but I ran through the village.  I never stopped running until I was at the site where I had last seen my friends.  There was still a mess left from the explosion.  I screamed, punching the metal left from the Ruin Guard. 

"Why?!  Why can't I just die already?!"  I sank to the ground, crying as I looked at where they had been.  "All I do is watch people leave me..  Why can't I leave someone for once?  I'm so tired, it hurts.." 

I pulled my vision off of me and threw it as hard as I can.  I never wanted to be an adventurer again.  So I buried the vision where my friends had died, and then left.  

I went back home and sat in the dark.  The only comforting thing I had was talking to Razor and Fischl.  So that's what I did.  It was like they were still there.  I would even go and wait at our usual meeting spot for them to show up.  They were still alive.  They never died.  

I never understood why people stared at me like I was insane.  I was only talking to my friends.  Katheryne took Razor and Fischl's names off the guild, but I insisted they stay on.  They were my team!

Jean would come visit me often, a lot of times with Barbara too.  They always seemed so worried about me.  I was told to come to my friends' funerals, but there was no need.  They were right next to me when I was invited.  It was kind of funny. 

Finally, I got to go on an adventure again.  I had given away my vision, but I can't remember where I put it.  I decided we should go to a great treasure hunting spot, so I brought my team to the area.  It was strange.  I felt like I had already been here.  

I noticed a pile in the rocks, so I uncovered it and found a pyro Vision.  It was mine..  But why was it buried here.

Flashbacks hit me.  I remembered Fischl and Razor lying here.  But they were alive..  This is impossible..  I started crying.  Holding my Vision in my hands tightly, my whole body shaking.  

When all of a sudden, I heard something behind me.

When I looked behind, I saw missiles coming straight for me, and an explosion.  

I felt burning pain for only a second before blacking out.  

This was the end of Bennett's Adventure Team.

I finally get to see my friends again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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