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-no one's pov-

“Jiu stop it!” y/n yelled at her girlfriend

“now you know how to yell at me? I just ask you why did you going out without telling me and I don't even know who you going out with” Jiu voice still steady, seem like she tried hard to not yell at y/n

“I told you! I going out with my friend. Am I have to tell you when I want to going out? I'm not a child!”

“I'm not a child too, but you always ask me whenever I'm going out and I always tell you. Is it hard to just tell me first?”

“then you don't have to tell me next time and I won't ask either”

“y/n...” Jiu want to speak and suddenly y/n cutted her

“stop it! I don't want to talk with you anymore! Go away!” y/n sentence made Jiu so shock

“fine...” Jiu said in sad voice and go to their bedroom

Y/n just watch Jiu walk to the bedroom and sigh then sit on the sofa

-y/n pov-

I was seating on the sofa at the living room. I think about my fight with Jiu. Am I too much? Of course she want to know where I'm going and who's I'm with. Maybe I should just tell her first before going out. Why can't I control my anger? Ugh y/n, you are so stupid!

I was deep in thought when suddenly Jiu come out from the room. She was wearing sweater and mask. Look like she was about to going out

“where are you going?”

I asked her and she just ignore me. She put on her shoes and go out of the door immediately

“Kim Ji-...” I was about to call her name again but she already go out

Is she angry? No, Jiu never get angry with me before, she even never yell to me even though we was in agrument. She always know how to control her anger with me

That's right...

Jiu always endure with me. She always being gentle and forgave me in everything. She also never raise her voice before. But why I yelled at her? I can't control my anger and yelled at her. What should I do now? She totally ignore me, she never do that before...

I was trying to call Jiu but then I heard her phone ringing in our bedroom. Oh no, she didn't bring her phone

-1 hour later-

Where she's going? It's already 1 hour after she left...

Is she really mad at me...?

What should I do...?

I was...

So stupid...

Without I realize... My tears come out from my eyes. I was crying...

“Jiu... Where are you? When will you come back? I...already miss you”

I was crying on the floor in living room. My face on my knee and my back was lean on wall. Suddenly I heard someone was calling me


That voice...

I look up and saw Jiu infront of me...

She's come back...

“Jiu!” I quickly hug her tightly

“what's wrong? Why are you crying?” she hugged me back and take off her mask

“where are you going? Why did you leave me alone?”

“I thought you don't want to ask me anymore and I don't have to tell you”

I hug her more tightly

“no, you have to tell me and I will always ask. I will tell you too when I was about to going out. I promise. I'm sorry Jiu, please don't be angry with me anymore. Don't ignore me. And please... Don't leave me alone... I'm scare when you not around... I need you every second in my life”

“baby, don't cry. I was just take a walk for a while. I forgot to bring my phone. And who said I will leave you alone?”

“no one. I said to myself”

I pulled a little and look at her as she wiped away my tears

“I'm so sorry Jiu. I shouldn't yelled at you. You always being gentle with me but I'm not. I'm so sorry, I'll change, please forgive me” I said in low tone and she smile

“It's okay baby. You did nothing wrong to me and you never did” she said and pulled into hug again

I was hugging her tightly like she was going to disappear. Jiu was about to pulled from the but I didn't let her

“you don't want to let go?” she giggles

“no, you are mine. Why should I let you go? What if someone will take you away from me? I will always hold onto you so that will never happen” I said as I put my face on her neck and smell her scent

“then hold onto me tightly” she said and pick me up with both her hand

“woah!” I'm startled by her sudden action

I hug her neck and my legs was around her waist

“let's go to bed” she whisper

She bring me to our bedroom and lay me down on the bed as she crawl on top of me. She look at me with precious eyes and I keep stare at her lips. Our face was so close

“what are you looking at?” she whispered

“let's kiss”

“kiss?” she raise her eyebrow playfully

“ehem...I want you” I said and pulled her down and lock our lips together

She moved her lips gently and pulled back. Then kiss again then pulled again, like that about for a few times

I smiled at her cute action and she smiled back

“I miss you Jiu” I said and peck her lips

“just that?” her question made me confuse


“I want to hear something else” she flirting

“I love you, so much. Only you I love” I said as she bent down to kiss me again

“I love you too. More than you love me” she said and kiss me

“let's sleep” I said as we broke the kiss

“no, I want something else...”


“make love” she said and I chuckle at her naughty

She pulled the blanket over us...



Thanks for reading.

Dreamcatcher Jiu Imagines X Female Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now