Insecure (Request)

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a/n : thanks for one of my reader for request this one. I'm sorry if it's not good as you imagine but I wrote this one base on my own insecure when I was young but fortunately, now I'm not insecure anymore because I'm can do it probably now.

(1238 words)

-no one's pov-

Today was sunday, Jiu and y/n decide to spend time together at their house. They currently was sit on the sofa and talk about anything

“I really like this song. Your voice was so cool” y/n said proudly while show Jiu the video of Good night stage

“oh Good night. I like it too, it's our second music video after debut” Jiu reply while put her hands around y/n shoulder and watch the video together

Jiu part was coming and y/n singing it together

“oh baby ngon ngon ngon it meongeojige” y/n was lisp when she said words with R

“what did you said?” Jiu said while chuckled

“what?” y/n was confuse

“you said ngon not run” Jiu said and chuckled

“ah yeh...”

“hahaha ngon...what is ngon?” Jiu laugh again

Y/n suddenly be quiet and stop the video then turn off her phone

“erm, I want to go to toilet for a while” y/n stand up

“oh okay ngon! If you take too long time I'll miss you” Jiu still didn't stop teasing y/n

“erm...” y/n hummed and go to toilet

-at toilet-

-y/n's pov-

I close the door and lean onto it

“is that really funny? Why did she didn't stop teasing me?”

I flushed the toilet, even though I didn't throw anything

I come back to Jiu and saw her with her phone

-no one's pov-

“oh baby, my members invite you to have dinner at our dorm. Do you wanna go?” Jiu asked y/n

“sure, why not” y/n showed Jiu a fake smile and wanna go get ready

“what's wrong?” Jiu said while hold y/n wrist


“you seem sad, why?”

“really? Nothing. I'm okay darling. Let's get ready” Y/n rubbed Jiu hand and let go of her hand then go to the bedroom to get ready

-skip time-

“you done?” Jiu asked y/n

“yes. Should we go now?”

“yeah let's go” Jiu reach out her hand and y/n take it

-at Dreamcatcher's dorm-

“unnie, why don't you drink? It's your favourite wine” Yoohyeon ask Jiu

“it's okay, I have to drive” Jiu shook her head

“it's okay darling, you can drink. I'll drive on the way home since I didn't drink alcohol” y/n said while rubbed Jiu's hand

“thank you baby” Jiu said and peck y/n lips infront of the girls

“auww so sweettt!! The ants will come to you two soon” Sua said and everyone laugh

Dreamcatcher Jiu Imagines X Female Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now