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A/n : non idol au

(598 words)


The fast footsteps sounds clearly can be heard even before the door opened. The secretary immediately looked at the person that came in as soon as the door closed

“Miss y/n, may I help you?” the secretary asked after a little bow

“is Minji inside?” y/n ask with worse voice

“yes but she's on meet-”

The secretary can't complete her sentence, y/n immediately open the door of Minji's office and come inside

“Miss y/n wait!”

The secretary follows after y/n to Minji's office


Y/n suddenly froze when she saw her girlfriend was sitting on the meeting table with her employees with her, they are on meeting

“y/n...” Minji stood up from her chair

“I'm sorry Miss Kim, I tried to stop her” the secretary apologized to Minji with bow

Minji looks at y/n and notices the tears in y/n's eyes that she holds. Y/n look at Minji and blink her tears away

“it's okay. We will continue this meeting tomorrow” Minji said to her employees

The employees nodded and stood up from their chairs, giving Minji a bow before getting out of the room along with the secretary

As soon as there's only y/n and Minji left in the room, y/n immediately rush to Minji and hug Minji tightly . Minji without hesitated, she hug y/n back and rubbed y/n's back

“baby...” Minji whisper against y/n's ear

“I'm sorry for interrupted your meeting” y/n buried her face on Minji neck

“it's alright. Are you okay my girl? What happened?”

“bad day, I really need you now”

“don't worry baby, I'm here for you”

Minji sigh and pick y/n up then make y/n sit on the meeting table without breaking the hug. Y/n hug Minji's neck tightly, refused to let go. Minji just rub y/n's back and kiss y/n's temple softly

“am I home now?” y/n ask

“you are home baby, I got you” Minji replied softly while rubbed y/n's back

Y/n rest her head on Minji's shoulder and let out a relief sigh. They stay like that for a few minutes until y/n pull back

“I'm sorry, you must be busy” y/n said looking at Minji with guilty eyes

“I never be busy when it come to you my love” Minji said rubbing y/n's cheek

Y/n melted in Minji's touch. She felt so safe and relax with Minji

“are you okay now?” Minji ask softly

“yeah, you made everything better. Thank you baby” y/n crack a smile made Minji's heart relief

“how about we go for dinner at your favourite spot? My treat” Minji said excitedly

“I love it!”

“good, give me a kiss first” Minji puckering her lips

Y/n cupped Minji's face in her palm and pressed their lips together for a sweet but cute kiss

“let's go?” Minji reach out her hand for y/n

“let's go!” y/n take Minji's hand and get down from the table

Minji cleans her work first and they go out for dinner which Minji promises to y/n. Minji was happy that she can make her lover feel better and safe with her



A/n : I made a new book for Jennie oneshot! If any of you are fans of Jennie, you are welcome to read and send a request! I appreciate it if you give me a lot of love and support for my books. Thank you!

Thanks for reading :)

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