The Invitation

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I was walking on the street when I saw a café. I entered in, sat down on a table and asked for one serré. When I was waiting for my order, I saw someone with black clothes. He had a hat on his head and he was reading the newspaper. He was sitting on a couch in the corner of the café. I stood up and went to him. He looked at me and sighed.

"I thought you won't see me." He said.
"You're too obvious, Levi." I said with smile. He 'tsk'ed and continued reading the newspaper again. I sat next to him to read with him. He pulled away from me.
"Hey!" I said. "What?" He responded. I mumbled something, stood up and started walking back to my table.

"Oi four-eyes!" Someone called my name. I turned my head back to Levi.
"Catch." He threw something to me. I caught it, almost dropping it, and looked at the thing.

"What's that?" I asked.
"Can't you read? It's from Erwin. It's for his birthday on October 14." I got my head up and looked at Levi. He was still reading the newspaper. "Thanks!" I said and continued walking towards my table.

"Hey, one more thing." he said and I turned back to him.
"You can sit here if you want." I felt something in my stomach. These stupid butterflies.
"Oh...okay..." I went back to him and sat on the opposite chair.

It was awkward. No one said a word. I felt uncomfortable. Then the waiter came with my coffee.
"Thank you" I said smiling at him.
"You're wel-" He was about to said "welcome" when he bit his tongue: Oluo. I knew him when we were at high school. He always bit his tongue accidentally and scream. Then two other waiters came to see if he was alright. I recognised them too. The first waiter was Gunther and the second one was Eld. Both of them always checked on Oluo, because of his problem with biting his tongue.


I drank my coffee and stood up.
"See ya, Levi!" I called when I was about to leave the café. He just swung his hand, still reading the newspaper as I left.

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